Hes so cute!\r
Cody ask Derrick of the pre-jury HGs who is he most excited to see,Cody, says he thinks Brittany is most excited to see Derrick. Then they talk about how b/c .\r
Brittany praises going on from the final 3. Victoria lets Cody and Derrick know Britt told her to stick w/ them and only them! Derrick Shes a smart woman! CodyI .\r
Derrick gets called out for not having his mic on. He then references Brittany never having hers on, Cody then goes into gush mode. Then he states I was grilling .
Cody ask Derrick of the pre-jury HGs who is he most excited to see,Cody, says he thinks Brittany is most excited to see Derrick. Then they talk about how b/c .\r
Brittany praises going on from the final 3. Victoria lets Cody and Derrick know Britt told her to stick w/ them and only them! Derrick Shes a smart woman! CodyI .\r
Derrick gets called out for not having his mic on. He then references Brittany never having hers on, Cody then goes into gush mode. Then he states I was grilling .
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