New animation series Piggy Tales gives you a glimpse into the lives of our favorite green minions. New episode every Friday in ToonsTV and a week after on .\r
This is my first piggy tales video. This is proably my most favorit video so watch this video.\r
Subscribe to my Channel Right Now! I need 100 subscribers. Created using VideoFX Live: \r
Piggy Tales gives you a glimpse into the lives of our favorite green minions. New episode every Friday in ToonsTV and a week after on Thursday here in .
This is my first piggy tales video. This is proably my most favorit video so watch this video.\r
Subscribe to my Channel Right Now! I need 100 subscribers. Created using VideoFX Live: \r
Piggy Tales gives you a glimpse into the lives of our favorite green minions. New episode every Friday in ToonsTV and a week after on Thursday here in .
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