Discovery Animals - Discovery WildLife - Discovery Buffalo
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African buffalo is a large species of cattle in Africa. Species not closely related to the Asian water buffalo wild a little bigger, and the ancestors of the species is still unclear. Syncerus caffer caffer, Cape buffalo, the typical subspecies, and largest, are found in southern and eastern Africa. S. c. nanus (buffalo) is the smallest subspecies, common in forested areas in central and western Africa, while S. c. brachyceros in west Africa and S. c. aequinoctialis in central African savanna. Mature horn is typical of the species, it has consolidated horn angle, forming a continuous bone shield called a "boss" (the hump). Buffalo is considered to be a very dangerous animal species, because species gored and killed more than 200 people each year.
African buffalo is not the ancestor of the cow, and is only distantly related to many other large reptiles. Because of the unpredictable, making it very dangerous buffalo species to humans, African buffalo have never been domesticated, unlike water buffalo in Asia. Unless human African Cape buffalo have few enemies except to lions and able to protect themselves. As a member of their "Big Five game" (5 species of big game animals), Cape buffalo is one spoils in great demand for hunting.
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African buffalo is a large species of cattle in Africa. Species not closely related to the Asian water buffalo wild a little bigger, and the ancestors of the species is still unclear. Syncerus caffer caffer, Cape buffalo, the typical subspecies, and largest, are found in southern and eastern Africa. S. c. nanus (buffalo) is the smallest subspecies, common in forested areas in central and western Africa, while S. c. brachyceros in west Africa and S. c. aequinoctialis in central African savanna. Mature horn is typical of the species, it has consolidated horn angle, forming a continuous bone shield called a "boss" (the hump). Buffalo is considered to be a very dangerous animal species, because species gored and killed more than 200 people each year.
African buffalo is not the ancestor of the cow, and is only distantly related to many other large reptiles. Because of the unpredictable, making it very dangerous buffalo species to humans, African buffalo have never been domesticated, unlike water buffalo in Asia. Unless human African Cape buffalo have few enemies except to lions and able to protect themselves. As a member of their "Big Five game" (5 species of big game animals), Cape buffalo is one spoils in great demand for hunting.
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