These armed Georgia residents used their guns to stop a knife attack on a 90-year-old man

  • 9 years ago
LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA — Two Georgia residents saved an elderly man's life on Monday afternoon by threatening a knife-wielding attacker with their guns.

The incident happened when Karen Duncan was visiting her friend, Ron Childress, in Lawrenceville. As she was walking up Childress' driveway, she heard desperate cries for help. Childress also heard the commotion when he opened the door. The pair then took off to find the attacker, Atlanta's Fox 5 reported.

"As I got closer I realized that there is this elderly gentleman laying on the ground with a younger man on top of him with a knife. I see blood and this big old knife," Duncan told Fox 5.

Duncan took out a gun from her purse and pointed it at the young man to no apparent effect. But then she told the man she was going to shoot him, and he tossed away the knife. Childress, who had rushed over to help, showed up right behind Duncan. Duncan called the police, while Childress pointed his gun at the young man.

"You cannot protect everybody, police can't do it, they're good after the fact, but they're no good to you when it happens generally," Childress, a former law enforcement officer, told Fox 5.

"They're not going to be there, so you need to be ready to protect yourself and others. Because what happened yesterday is a perfect example of how a citizen can protect other citizens."


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