The Legend and The Hero Episode 30
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
This story takes place during the fall of the SHang dynasty. It all started when the king of the Shang dynasty.He wrote a poem about the beauty of the goddess Nu Wah. She was really angry so she sent a fox spirit to control him and make the Shang dynasty fall.... Da Ji was actually a really sweet and beautiful girl. Her father was forced to give her up and told her to help the king be a good king.. But sadly, on her way there, she was processed by the fox spirit..... She then seduced the Shang king to kill all of the good generals and official which made the SHang dynasty fall. Throughout the series,the demons and Yao Guai's were all fighting for the Shang side, while the gods from heaven like Na Zha, Yang Jin(the 3 eyed god), Lei Chen Zi and other gods were fighting for the Zhou dynasty. In the end, the Zhou dynasty won, and the Shang dynasty fell.. The Fox spirit was captured and executed.... Thus the rise of the Zhou dynasty.... It lasted about 807 years. lessIf you love Zelda, why not check out over 10 commentated Lets Plays of it here: ...
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30, The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 English Sub, The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 Chinese Drama, The ...
Official Website : Official English Episode Playlist : The Invincible Hero - Official Ending Song Just like the wild ...
The Legend and the Hero ep 1 eng sub - The First Myth 2006.
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 [Full Episode]
This story takes place during the fall of the SHang dynasty. It all started when the king of the Shang dynasty.He wrote a poem about the beauty of the goddess Nu Wah. She was really angry so she sent a fox spirit to control him and make the Shang dynasty fall.... Da Ji was actually a really sweet and beautiful girl. Her father was forced to give her up and told her to help the king be a good king.. But sadly, on her way there, she was processed by the fox spirit..... She then seduced the Shang king to kill all of the good generals and official which made the SHang dynasty fall. Throughout the series,the demons and Yao Guai's were all fighting for the Shang side, while the gods from heaven like Na Zha, Yang Jin(the 3 eyed god), Lei Chen Zi and other gods were fighting for the Zhou dynasty. In the end, the Zhou dynasty won, and the Shang dynasty fell.. The Fox spirit was captured and executed.... Thus the rise of the Zhou dynasty.... It lasted about 807 years. lessIf you love Zelda, why not check out over 10 commentated Lets Plays of it here: ...
The Legend and The Hero Episode 30, The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 English Sub, The Legend and The Hero Episode 30 Chinese Drama, The ...
Official Website : Official English Episode Playlist : The Invincible Hero - Official Ending Song Just like the wild ...
The Legend and the Hero ep 1 eng sub - The First Myth 2006.