バンビ2 森のプリンス - 春のはじまり Bambi 2 Mori no purinsu - Haru no hajimari 渡辺かおり Watanabe Kaori Bambi: 柴井伶太 Shibai Reita Bambis father: 大川 透 .\r
Hey! If you can help in the text, please. Hope you like it. :) Arabic: ? Brazilian Portuguese: Sim unidos seguiremos Nosso temor pra trás deixaremos Quando a .\r
Missing Japanese for now..but Cant find lyrics on YouTube or Google.. (Its been a while that I do this, so dont question my voice atm) Disclaimer: I dont own .
Hey! If you can help in the text, please. Hope you like it. :) Arabic: ? Brazilian Portuguese: Sim unidos seguiremos Nosso temor pra trás deixaremos Quando a .\r
Missing Japanese for now..but Cant find lyrics on YouTube or Google.. (Its been a while that I do this, so dont question my voice atm) Disclaimer: I dont own .
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