• 10 yıl önce
By Cookie, 3* no boosters.. Visit our website for tips and help.

NO BOOSTERS I completed this but there is a jelly under the choc machine so I couldn't move on...The glitch has been fixed but the video shows how it can be done without boosters Visit our...

No Cheat ! No boosters ! All Level, please visit:

Nivel muy difícil. Quizá el más difícil hasta ahora del Candy Crush Saga. Piensa mucho todos tus movimientos, y lee las anotaciones para aprender trucos sobre cómo completar este nivel....

版主走的時候習慣會想一下XDDD 所以有些地方可能會停久一點請多包含如果覺得不錯可以來看我的教學

where the last jelly?

Candy Crush Saga Level 578 , walkthrough by Blogging Witch Lea. Useful Candy Crush Saga tips and strategy tricks: Check out our Candy...

Candy Crush Saga Level 578 played

Candy Crush Saga Level 578

Candy Crush Saga Level 578


