Calling You -Sarah Brindell

  • 18 years ago
Sarah Brindell, サラ・ブリンデル
2005/8/26(金) 午前 3:24
" Calling You ", Sarah Brindell from her Debut Album ' Piece of Mind ' (2003)

Image Video
Voice & Piano by Sarah Brindell, " Calling You "

Calling You
by Bob Telson (Boodle Music, BMI)

A desert road from Vegas to nowhere
Someplace better than where you’ve been
A coffee machine that needs some fixing
in a little caf? just around the bend
I am calling you
Can’t you hear me?
I am calling you
A hot dry wind blows right through me
The baby’s crying and I can’t sleep
but we both know a change is coming
coming closer, sweet release
I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you
I am calling you
I know you hear me
I am calling you
Calling You ( iTunes Music Store での試聴リンク)

About Sarah

Sarah Brindell grew up in a purple house on a hill in San Francisco. She was raised by a loving, slightly eccentric family of professional musicians, composers and published writers. Currently, she teaches songwriting and arranging at Berklee College of Music in Boston, and performs at countless venues spanning from Boston, to New York City, to San Francisco, to Los Angeles.

On December 5th, 2004, Sarah Brindell recorded a live album with the help of her amazing band featuring Mike Null on guitar, Aaron Bellamy on bass, and Mauricio Zottarelli on drums. They performed two sets to a sold-out audience at the Paradise Lounge in Boston, MA. The album was released with a filled-to-capacity show at the same venue on May 3rd, 2005.

On November 15th, 2003, Sarah Brindell released her debut album, “Piece of Mind.” Beautiful cameo appearances are made by her mother, Jill Brindel (SF Symphony) on cello, her father, Bill Klingelhoffer (SF Opera, Ballet Orchestras) on French horn, her aunt Mary Stolper (Chicago Symphony Orchestra) on flute.

"Have you ever wondered what honey sounds like? Brindell is a soulful, sexy siren from the same beehive as Ella Fitzgerald, Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder and Erykah Badu. Behind the piano, she performs a melodious blend of funk, jazz, and soul that is a remedy for the ear - and the sweet tooth, too."
-Boston Weekly Dig

"...if anything is going to put us in the right groove, it's this newly minted diva of funk, pop, and jazz....Brindell's debut CD, 'Piece of Mind,' has been soothing our soul of late."
-Boston Globe

"...a throw back to the days of Billie Holiday when the music was metaphor for turmoil and trouble but sounded like honey...Brindell's voice acts as salve to comfort...raw sexual energy dressed up in retro-rhythm and a honey-warm voice can't disguise the core - pure seduction."
-Boston Girl Guide

" say her voice is flawless would be an understatement...[Piece of Mind] is full of songs that really grab the listener's full attention."
-Best Female Musicians, NYC

“When she looks deep into the audience and sings with that lovely voice of hers, it’s impossible not to be taken in. Sarah…is simply mesmerizing."
-Time Out Magazine, San Francisco

Either solo or with full band, Sarah Brindell continues to share her love of making music, and her ability to captivate an audience, with a community that is steadily growing.

Press Kit | 2.62mb | .pdf

2005/8/26(金) 午前 3:24
サラ・ブリンデル(Sarah Brindell)の紹介


(インディーズ系レーベル DragonLadyMusic )
デビューアルバムは2003年11月の「Piece of Mind」。
( Out of Rosenheim, 1987 )で Jevetta Steel が唄い、
ハスキー声の Holly Cole もカバーした「Calling You」も

「Live at the Paradise Lounge」(2005年発売)

サイト、または でダウンドード出来ますが
先日スタートしたばかりの、アップルの iTunes Music Store

閉じる コメント(4)
顔アイコン yokonovさま、こんにちは。当方のblogへのコメント&TBありがとうございました。またSarah Brindellの紹介ありがとうございました。'Calling you'はいろんな方がカバーされて、それぞれ素敵ですよね。Sarahの歌も機会を見つけて聞いてみたいと思います。
2005/8/26(金) 午後 5:19 [ M ]
顔アイコン yokonovさま、こんにちは。コメントありがとうございました。真ん中のvideo部分、昨日は音が聞こえなかったのですけど、差し替えられたのですか。素敵な声ですね。Jevetta Steeleを髣髴させられますけど、彼女よりも明るく感じられるのは、SF育ちだから?それから、時折挟み込まれるceloが素敵だなと思ったのですが、お母様なんですね。素敵な音を知らせていただいてありがとうございました。
2005/8/27(土) 午後 10:00 [ M ]
顔アイコン こんばんは。コメント&トラックバックありがとうございました。 いい歌がいい声で聞けてうれしかったです。
2005/8/27(土) 午後 10:21 [ SilverMoon ]
Yahoo!アバター このcallingyouは初めて聞きました。声がとても素敵ですね。