Spanish Coffee with Shaken Cream - The Morgenthaler Method

  • 8 years ago
Native to Oregon, specifically Huber's Café, the Spanish Coffee is now known round the world. To top this winter warmer, Jeffrey shakes whipping cream in a small mason jar before layering it over the heated ingredients.

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sugar for glass rim
3/4 oz 151 proof rum
1/4 oz triple sec
1 1/2 Kahlua
4 oz fresh brewed coffee
whipping cream

Add the rum and triple sec to a sugar rimmed, heat proof glass.
Ignite the rum with a lighter. With the glass tilted 45 degrees, slowly rotate as the alcohol in the rum burns off in order to caramelize the sugared rim.
Once the sugar has turned a golden brown, extinguish the flame with another glass or small pot lid.
Add Kahlua and coffee to the glass.
Shake cream in a small mason jar to add volume then gently pour the shaken cream over the top of the coffee.
Garnish with grated nutmeg.