• il y a 18 ans
Affaire Twin Oceans:

Contre un des chargements du Clan de Don Pablo Rayo Montano.

Saisie de 52,000 Kilos de Produit Stupéfiant pour un Montant d'environ 70 Millions de Dollars ! Un Sous Marin était aussi Utilisé pour le Transport de la Marchandise...

On peut voir à la Fin de la Video qui est d'ailleurs très courte, la Maison du Traficant...ça donne une idée de l'ampleur du Trafic.


(WASHINGTON, D.C.) – The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) today announced the results of Operation Twin Oceans, a multi-jurisdictional investigation that targeted the Pablo RAYO-Montano drug trafficking organization (DTO), a cocaine ring responsible for smuggling more than 15 tons of cocaine per month from Colombia to the streets of the United States and Europe. An international coalition spearheaded by the Brazilian Federal Police, Panamanian Judicial Police, Colombian National Police, and DEA was responsible for dismantling this international drug cartel. This 3-year long investigation has resulted in over 100 arrests and the seizure of 47,555 kilograms of cocaine or the equivalent of 52 tons of cocaine, and nearly $70 million in assets.


