When this raven talks it sounds exactly like a human

  • 9 years ago
When Mischief the White-Necked Raven talks, he sounds uncannily like a human.

It’s really very bizarre.

Ravens, his owner explains, are excellent at mimicking the sound they hear.

But unlike parrots, who sort of squawk the sounds they hear, ravens – or at least, this raven – sound very human-like.

‘Mischief can you say hello?’ his trainer asks.
‘Hello’ he replies.

‘He does all sorts of voices. Can you say hi?’ his owner then asks.

‘Hi,’ he replies.

It’s very odd, and his trainer is clearly very good at what she does, but perhaps we shouldn’t expect any less from the raven, which is regarded by scientists as a ‘logical animal’ like chimpanzees and dolphins, and is one of the most intelligent creatures in the animal kingdom.

Our only issue is this:

Surely, surely teach Mischief to say ‘nevermore.’
