For more information please visit or visit our FLIGHT OF THE CARDINAL page on FACEBOOK .\r
This tightly woven psychological thriller set in the desolate Smokey Mountains involves a volatile city boy, Grady (Ross Beschler), who becomes the proprietor of .\r
This is my submission to the Doritos 2013 Crash the Super Bowl contest. It was inspired by a real life cardinal that flies into my living room window every .\r
\r interviews David J. Bonner, co-star of Flight of the Cardinal, the closing film at QFest 2010 in Philadelphia.
This tightly woven psychological thriller set in the desolate Smokey Mountains involves a volatile city boy, Grady (Ross Beschler), who becomes the proprietor of .\r
This is my submission to the Doritos 2013 Crash the Super Bowl contest. It was inspired by a real life cardinal that flies into my living room window every .\r
\r interviews David J. Bonner, co-star of Flight of the Cardinal, the closing film at QFest 2010 in Philadelphia.
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