Pëllumbi: PS fiton edhe pa LSI - Vizion Plus - News - Lajme

  • 9 years ago
Ish kryetari i kuvendit Servet Pellumbi, nje prej figurave me te njohura te Partise Socialiste ne emisionin "Debat" ka dale kunder zerave se partia e drejtuar nga Edi Rama nuk vjen dot ne pushtet pa LSI. Ndersa ka analizuar performancen e opozites ne vitet e fundit dhe pergatitjet per betejen e 23 qershorit, Pellumbi ka deklaruar se PS ka nevoje per koalicion te madh dhe te beje leshime kundrejt aleateve, por fitorja e saj nuk kushtezohet nga partia e Iir Metes. Sipas Pellumbit, nga 1 deri tek 10 PS merr noten 8 ne shanset per te fituar zgjedhjet e ardhshme parlamentare por sipas tij ne kete periudhe duhen shmangur çarjet brenda partise. Duke u ndalur tek debati i fundit rreth deklaratave nacionaliste te kryeministrit Berisha dhe premtimit te tij per t'u dhene shtetesi te gjithe shqiptareve kudo qe jetojne, Pellumbi ka ngritur apelin se keto jane teza serbe, qe demtojne integrimin dhe perdoren ne fuknsion te zgjehdjeve dhe per te fshehur keqeverisjen. Sipas Pellumbit qytetaret duhet te ndergjegjesohen per domosdoshmerine e nje rotacioni politik per ti dhene fund kesaj qeverisjeje problematike

Former Parliament Speaker Servet Pellumbi, one of the most famous figures of the Socialist Party in the show "debate" has come out against rumors that the party led by Edi Rama not come to power without SMI. While analyzing the performance of the opposition in recent years, and the preparations for the battle of June 23, Pellumbi stated that PS needs great coalition and make concessions against the allies, but its victory is not conditioned by IIR party Meta. According to Dove, from 1 to 10 PS takes note 8 chances to win the next general election, but according to him, in this period to avoid divisions within the party. Focusing on recent debate about nationalistic statements of Prime Minister Berisha and his promise to grant citizenship to all Albanians, wherever they live, Pellumbi has filed an appeal that these are Serbian thesis detrimental to integration and used fuknsion to the election and to hidden keqeverisjen. According dove citizens should be aware of the necessity of a political rotation to end this government problem

