Privacy On Top

  • 9 years ago

Privacy on top is the feature rich Wi-Fi router which offers online privacy and security to connected devices. Privacy On Top uses TOR Network for privacy. TOR protects you by bouncing your network traffic around a distributed network of relays run by volunteers all around the world: it prevents somebody watching your Internet connection from learning what sites you visit, and it prevents the sites you visit from learning your physical location. Privacy on Top also gives you advantage of OpenDNS and DNScrypt. Which in simple words means online security. OpenDNS helps prevent identity theft, blocks phishing sites and bad websites. It speeds up your existing internet connection. It exposes two separate Wi-Fi from the router, one Wi-Fi for online security and other for online privacy/anonymity. Privacy On Top is built using open source OpenWRT operating system that runs on Wi-Fi router. OpenWRT turns your ordinary router to smart router by providing customizable functionality. - Get your privacy router now. We now ship pre-installed routers.