• 10 years ago
Aleanca Kuq e Zi bën thirrje për arrestimin e kreut te qarkut te OMONIA-s, Naum Disho, i cili edhe pse i dënuar me vendim te Gjykatës se Apelit për dhunim te varreve te Boboshtices, vazhdon te jete i lire. Me parullat: "Na kthe eshtrat gjeneral!", "Qeveria tundi eshtrat e te pareve!" etj, përfaqësues te Aleancës Kuq e Zi kane protestuar para Drejtorisë se Policisë se Korçës. Ata kane lëshuar akuza te ashpra edhe ndaj qeverise se po bën pazare me Athinën zyrtare për eshtrat e pareve, duke mos dorëzuar Dishon, te cilin e kane quajtur kriminel. Duke akuzuar autoritetet greke për ndërhyrje ne çështjet e drejtësisë se Shqipërisë, Aleanca i kërkoi Athinës të distancohet nga dhunuesit e varreve. Naum Disho u dënua me një vit burg për dhunimin e varreve te banoreve të Boboshticës, gjate ngritjes se një memoriali për ushtaret greke te vrare gjate luftës. Dënimi u la ne fuqi edhe nga Gjykata e Apelit duke marre forme te prere. Por Disho, edhe pse ishte ne sallën e gjyqit, nuk u arrestua si për neglizhence te Prokurorisë, ashtu edhe te gjyqtareve qe nuk zbardhen ne kohe vendimin. Duke përfituar nga kjo situate Disho u arratis ne Greqi.

Red and Black Alliance calls for arrest of the chief of district of Omonia, Naum Dishon, who although convicted by a decision of the Court of Appeals for the violation of tombs of Boboshtices, continues to be free. With the slogan: "We bones back General", "The government shook the bones of the ancestors!" Etc., representative of Red and Black Alliance has protested before the Police Directorate of Korca. They have also issued harsh accusations against the government is making official dealings with Athens for the remains of ancestors, not delivered Dishon, whom they called criminal. Accusing Greek authorities to intervene in matters of justice that Albania, the Alliance urged Athens to distance itself from the perpetrators of grave. Naum Dishon was sentenced to one year in jail for violating the tombs of the inhabitants of Boboshticës, during the establishment of a memorial to soldiers killed during the Greek war. The sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeals to take final form. But Dishon, although it was in the courtroom, was not arrested for neglect of the Prosecutor, as well as the judges was not white in time decision. Taking advantage of this situation Dishon fled to Greece

