Paris attacker regrets massacre, now hiding from police and Islamic State

  • 9 years ago
BRUSSELS — After the death of Paris attacks mastermind, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, there is only one attacker left on the run: Salah Abdeslam, who has become the most-wanted man in Europe.

According to Belgian magazine La Capitale, Abdeslam regretted having being involved in the attacks, and might now be on the run from both French police and ISIS.

In an interview with the magazine, a friend of Abdeslam said he met him in Brussels on November 17 where he told him he had "gone too far", and that he would like to give himself up, but does not dare to because he fears ISIS would take revenge on his family.

A French police source told The Independent that the night of the attack Abdeslam didn't kill himself because he was either "disgusted by what he had been involved in" or his explosive belt failed to detonate.

While the Bataclan massacre was in progress, Abdeslam called two friends in Brussels at 10:30 p.m., asking them to drive to Paris and pick him up. They arrived at around 5 a.m., then all together drove back to Brussels. The attacker managed to pass the border thanks to his Belgian ID card.

The men who picked him up are named as Hamza Attou and Mohammed Amri. Both are now in custody. They deny any involvement in the attacks.

According to the British and Belgian tabloid press, French police released a picture of Abdeslam wearing a wig and glasses to disguise himself and he might also be using a new name, Yassine Baghli.


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