• 10 years ago
The ex-USS Ogden (LPD 5) & ex-USS Tuscaloosa (LST 1187) are fired upon by harpoon missiles from the Republic of Korea (ROKS) submarine LeeSunSin .
The ex-USS Tuscaloosa and USS Ogden are sunk off the coast of Hawaii during SinkEx 2014, part of the RIMPAC 2014 (Rim of the Pacific) exercise in July and .
PACIFIC OCEAN (July 10, 2014) Footage from the Sink Exercise (SINKEX) of ex-USS Ogden (LPD 5) during Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) Exercise 2014.
PACIFIC OCEAN (July, 2014) The ex-USS Ogden (LPD 5) & ex-USS Tuscaloosa (LST 1187) are fired upon by harpoon missiles from the Republic of Korea .


