• 10 years ago
Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider is a new anime based on a popular book from the 90s but will it live up to the popularity of the source material? Anna and Dave will let you know if it’s worth checking out!

So will The Perfect Insider have you ensnared in the mystery or will it just be murder to make it through all the episodes? Dave and Anna will share their thoughts.

Are you going to watch Everything Becomes F: The Perfect Insider? Have you already been watching it? Have you read the book or any of the sequels? What about the manga? Have you seen the live action show? How do you think the anime adaptation of The Perfect Insider compares to the source material?

Let us know in the comments below!

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Anime is an increasingly popular form of entertainment throughout the world. Sometimes crazy changes are made as they are adapted for audiences in different countries. Every week tune into Anime Vice for lists of things we find out that you (probably) didn't know!

