• 10 years ago
Conditional branching and working with bits
One of the most important features of any microprocessor or microcontroller program is its
ability to make ‘decisions’, i.e. to act differently according to the state of logical variables.
Microprocessors generally have within their instruction sets a number of instructions which
allow them to test a particular bit, and either continue program execution if a condition is not
met or branch to another part of the program if it is. This is illustrated in Figure 5.3. These
variables are often bit values in condition code or Status registers.
as they do not have branch instructions as such. They have instead four conditional ‘skip’
met and continuing normal program execution if it is not. The most versatile and general-
purpose of these are the instructions:

Branching on Status register bits

The subroutine is a program section structured in such a way that it can be called from
anywhere in the program. Once it has been executed the program continues to execute from
wherever it was before. The idea is illustrated in Figure 5.4. At some point in the main
program there is an instruction ‘Call SR1’. Program execution then switches to Subroutine 1,
identified by its label. The subroutine must end with a ‘Return from Subroutine’ instruction.
Program execution then continues from the instruction after the Call instruction. A little later
in the program another subroutine is called, followed a little later by another call to the
first routine.
It then loads the subroutine start address into the Program Counter. Program execution thus
instruction following the Call instruction. Program execution then continues at this address.
Exercise 5.3 to find out what happens if they don’t.


