Documentary on the Beslan school hostage crisis, 1-3 September, 2004. 1100 people were held hostage. 385 died, 186 of them children.\r
The school siege at Beslan was the bloodiest act of terrorism ever to take place on Russian soil. Yet beyond this horrible truth remain many unanswered .\r
Хроники Беслана / Dispatches Beslan (2005) Запрещенный фильм США, Англия, MC Entertainment Примерно в 8 утра 1 сентября в районе.
The school siege at Beslan was the bloodiest act of terrorism ever to take place on Russian soil. Yet beyond this horrible truth remain many unanswered .\r
Хроники Беслана / Dispatches Beslan (2005) Запрещенный фильм США, Англия, MC Entertainment Примерно в 8 утра 1 сентября в районе.
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