John Oliver Goes on Profanity-Laced Rant After Paris Attacks: “F--k These A--holes”

  • 9 years ago
Amidst the grief and loss that came as a result of the horrific Paris attacks on Friday, Nov. 13, comedians are finding ways to address the topic and exhibit their frustrations at the same time. On Sunday night, John Oliver let out his anger on his show Last Week Tonight, which offers a rundown of the week’s events.

“It’s hardly been 48 hours and much is still unknown, but there are a few things we can say for certain, and this is when it actually helps to be on HBO where those things can be said without restraint,” Oliver, 38, began. “Because after the many necessary and appropriate moments of silence, I’d like to offer you a moment of premium cable profanity.”

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The new father went on to angrily rant against the terrorist group responsible for the attacks that have already taken at least 129 lives and injured many more.

John Oliver talked about the Paris terrorist attacks on Last Week Tonight. John Oliver

“As of now we know this attack was carried out by gigantic f--king a--holes,” Oliver said as his audience cheered and laughed. “Unconscionable flaming a--holes, possibly working with other f--king a--holes. Definitely working in service of an ideology of pure a--hole-ry. Second, and this goes almost without saying, f--k these a--holes. F--k them, if I may say, sideways. And third, it is important to remember, nothing about what these a--holes are trying to do is going to work. France is going to endure, and I’ll tell you why. If you’re in a war of culture and lifestyle with France, good f--king luck.”

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Oliver went on to praise the European country’s rich history and penchant for the finer things in life.

“Go ahead, bring your bankrupt ideology,” he said. “They’ll bring Jean Paul Sartre, Edith Piaf, fine wine, Gauloises cigarettes, [Albert] Camus, Camembert [cheese], madeleines [cookies], macaroons, Marcel Proust, and the f--king croquembouche. You just brought a philosophy of rigorous self-abnegation to a pastry fight, my friend.”
