• 10 years ago
What the Butler Saw (1950)
61 min | Comedy | June 1950 (UK)

A British nobleman who has spent the majority of his life running a tropical island returns to England. He finds that an island princess has fallen in love with his butler. Finding that unseemly, he sets out to break up the budding romance and send the woman back where she came from. Complications ensue.

Director: Godfrey Grayson

Writers: Donald Good (original story), Roger Good (original story)

Stars: Edward Rigby, Henry Mollison, Mercy Haystead
00:00But Algernon, how did she get here?
00:03Well, she must have stowed away in one of the cases, I suppose, the little rascal.
00:06Impossible. I quite agree. Either you or Vanbridge must have arranged it.
00:10Never occurred to me. I didn't even know she wanted to come.
00:13Then she must be sent back at once.
00:14Nonsense. She stays here as our guest.
00:17You don't seem to realize that her father's a very old friend of mine.
00:20Algernon, pull yourself together.
00:23I will not stay in the same house as our dangerous savage.
00:26Dangerous nonsense.
00:28Why, she's got the sweetest nature. I'm delighted to see her.
00:32Oh, I've never been so upset.
00:34I must go back to my room and lie down.
00:37Yes, lie down.
00:38Grandfather, do you realize the scandal there'll be throughout the entire county
00:43when they realize that we have a native girl in the house?
00:46Tell me, Robert.
00:47Can't you see the seriousness of our position?
00:50It's terrible. Terrible.
00:52Now, look here. I'm just about had enough of this.
00:55King Ulana was very decent to me back in the islands,
00:58and if his daughter wants to come here to spend the holidays, she can,
01:01for just as long as she likes.
01:03Understand that? Now, that's final.
01:04And what's more, I'm going to invite General Jobra
01:07and the bishop tonight to dinner to meet him.
01:09I shall never be mentioned in the birthday honors list.
01:14Good night.
01:17I suppose we shall have coconuts instead of hors d'oeuvres at dinner tonight.
01:21Very good, sir.
01:28There you are, Bembridge. Where's the little lady?
01:31In the kitchen with Mrs. Thimble. I hope, my lord.
01:34Seems quite like old times having Lapis around, wouldn't it, Bembridge?
01:37Yes, my lord.
01:38We'll have the 84 branded tonight.
01:40General Jobra and the bishop coming to dinner.
01:43Oh, Bembridge.
01:44All right, my lord. I will see that Lapis is kept well out of the way.
01:47Do what? You'll do no such thing, my dear fellow.
01:50They're coming here especially to meet her.
01:52To meet? Lapis?
01:55Yes, of course.
01:57I bet she shakes them too, eh, Bembridge?
01:59Yes, my lord.
02:01She'll certainly do that.
02:07Feast for Anna, big feast.
02:09That's right.
02:10For you.
02:15Big White Chiefs come to see you, Lapis.
02:20Hundo garboli in fango due, Lapis.
02:24Lapis, good girl, eh?
02:26Yes, you better be.
02:27And incidentally, none of this stuff.
02:50Yes, not none of that tonight.
02:52You must dress correctly and behave correctly.
02:54You understand?
02:58Condom and booty in fango.
03:01Now you know perfectly well what I mean.
