Women know how to save their honor, how to dress and laugh. It is the men that need to be educated

  • 9 yıl önce
BÜLENT SEZGİN: As you stated before, Mr. Erdoğan said that within the framework of the new government program they will focus on three issues; quality, women and youth, which are three topics you have been focusing on greatly. “We are going through a period when we are in need of growth. The most important element of the new developmental agenda is to eliminate the imbalance between men and women. Women’s participation in the workforce is our most important opportunity to achieve the growth we need. In addition, paving the way for women and young people along with quality, and allowing opportunities for technological progress, is possible only through a comprehensive growth. “

ADNAN OKTAR: Read those three points again please

BÜLENT SEZGİN: Quality, women and young people.

ADNAN OKTAR: Look, we are at home, sitting down, but our opinions are in power. I kept calling on the AK Party government to focus on quality. I told them “There is a lack of quality e


