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Subscribe To Be Notified When Weve Done Something Stupid: (Hit that Like button. its FREE) What will happen if you boil Coke and eat it .\r
We call this the boiled coke challenge! You may know what happens when you boil Coke. what if you drink boiled Coke? Want Wassabi merchandise?\r
Warning: If you watch this video you might never drink your favorite soft drink again. In this video we will boil half liter of coke and the results are not only .
Subscribe To Be Notified When Weve Done Something Stupid: (Hit that Like button. its FREE) What will happen if you boil Coke and eat it .\r
We call this the boiled coke challenge! You may know what happens when you boil Coke. what if you drink boiled Coke? Want Wassabi merchandise?\r
Warning: If you watch this video you might never drink your favorite soft drink again. In this video we will boil half liter of coke and the results are not only .