リトル・マーメイドİ はじまりの物語 - 歌の力 RIE.\r
Jeannette Bayardelle featured in Little Mermaid 3. She sings the final song in the film I will sing\r
Original music cartoon clip The Little Mermaid: Ariels Beginning.\r
つのミス / Tsu No Misu sung by Tei Oka Sayuri Audio thanks to OFFICIALKnightKenMOV If someone can submit the lyrics & the singer, send it to me, and Ill .\r
I already did this sing but, I thought it would be better to actuall show my face. Idk. Comment, rate, subscribe(:
Jeannette Bayardelle featured in Little Mermaid 3. She sings the final song in the film I will sing\r
Original music cartoon clip The Little Mermaid: Ariels Beginning.\r
つのミス / Tsu No Misu sung by Tei Oka Sayuri Audio thanks to OFFICIALKnightKenMOV If someone can submit the lyrics & the singer, send it to me, and Ill .\r
I already did this sing but, I thought it would be better to actuall show my face. Idk. Comment, rate, subscribe(:
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