The Martians try communicating with a telephone -- without much success. Yip-yip-yip-yip. For more fun games and videos for your preschooler in a safe, .\r
If youre watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at .\r
If youre watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at The .\r
For more videos and games check out our new website at In this clip, the Martians confuse a clock with a person. Sesame Street is .
If youre watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at .\r
If youre watching videos with your preschooler and would like to do so in a safe, child-friendly environment, please join us at The .\r
For more videos and games check out our new website at In this clip, the Martians confuse a clock with a person. Sesame Street is .
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