WATCH: Aamir Khan Uses Shahrukh Khan's Dialogue To IMPRESS GIRL

  • 9 years ago
Whoa! Has it come to this now that Aamir the Rangeela Khan has to resort to SRK’s methods to hit at someone? Well we are only talking about the new Snapdeal ad which features Aamir mouthing the words Palat Palat Palat the very famous DDLJ dialogue.

The ad deals about how a mannequin does not turn back at Aamir in spite of saying Shahrukh’s dialogue cos the Snapdeal offers are on. A good take on the SRK bit but aren’t we so well aware of the tiffs that the two Khans have anyway had earlier? So what with Aamir naming his dog Shahrukh to so many other things, we feel that only King Khan can mouth the dialogues that have made him famous and Aamir would only be able to be a mere imitation of the Ra One actor as far as dialogues are concerned.! Heh heh just kidding. It is an ad after all guys!