• 10 years ago
Hard Guy (1941)
Passed | 67 min | Crime, Drama | 17 October 1941 (USA)

Vic is a night club owner/racketeer whose club is run primarily for the purpose of the club girls marrying the rich blue bloods among the customers, leading to annulments leading to cash settlements and/or blackmail.

Director: Elmer Clifton

Writer: Oliver Drake (story)

Stars: Jack La Rue, Mary Healy, Kane Richmond
00:02:00Thank you, thank you.
00:02:01And now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:02:02not because I want to, but because I'm being paid to,
00:02:05I'd like to give you my interpretation
00:02:07of the death scene from All for Love.
00:02:14Currie Cicero.
00:02:15Oh, Mortimer!
00:02:17Oh, Mortimer!
00:02:19Oh, Mortimer!
00:02:20We want Doris!
00:02:22We want Doris!
00:02:24All right, all right, all right.
00:02:26Thank you, thank you for your appreciation
00:02:29and applause for Doris.
00:02:30I'll get her.
00:02:37You better get out before Tony Tremaine
00:02:38gets mad and wrecks the place.
00:02:40Oh, a little waiting will do him good.
00:02:41He's going to inherit a million bucks
00:02:42and you tell him to wait.
00:02:43Say, listen, he didn't buy the club tonight
00:02:45because he wanted me to entertain him.
00:02:46That's a cinch.
00:02:47Stop moving.
00:02:51For the queen.
00:02:52Oh, don't.
00:02:55Did I forget to tell you how wonderful I think you are?
00:02:59No, you didn't exactly forget, Tony.
00:03:02But you only told me three or four times.
00:03:04Oh, that's your fault.
00:03:06Every time I got up enough courage
00:03:07to tell you what was on my mind,
00:03:09you either had to sing or dance.
00:03:11You're sweet, Tony.
00:03:13Well, cut off my legs and call me Shorty
00:03:15if you two aren't in love.
00:03:17Why don't you get married?
00:03:18Well, Goldie, I think you got something there.
00:03:20Let's make it a wedding party.
00:03:22Maybe we ought to wait.
00:03:24Never put off till tomorrow what you can do tonight.
00:03:26I know all about weddings.
00:03:28You haven't been married often enough.
00:03:29The last one didn't count.
00:03:30He was no Casanova.
00:03:33I'll be right back, darling,
00:03:34as soon as I break the news to Vic.
00:03:36Ah, you've got a hand at the door.
00:03:37She's a fast worker.
00:03:39You don't have to tell me that, Vic.
00:03:41Didn't take long to wrap you around a finger.
00:03:43Oh, yeah, but that was before.
00:03:47That was before you came to work for me.
00:03:49Sure of that?
00:03:52I thought you were supposed to be the hostess
00:03:53around here, Mona, not the entertainer.
00:03:56Oh, but I had some business to hope with that.
00:03:59The guests in the club are ready to leave.
00:04:01If it wouldn't be asking too much,
00:04:03she might be then good night.
00:04:04Don't worry.
00:04:05I'll take care of the guests, including young Tremaine.
00:04:12You sort of get around, don't you, Vic?
00:04:14Yeah, but you don't do so badly yourself.
00:04:17Young Tremaine's the catch of the season, you know.
00:04:19He was the catch.
00:04:20We're going to be married tonight.
00:04:24Oh, hello there.
00:04:25Good evening.
00:04:26Hello, Sherwood.
00:04:27What's this I hear about getting married?
00:04:29Who is it, Tremaine III?
00:04:30You're a good guesser.
00:04:31Made up your mind rather sudden, didn't you?
00:04:33But I'm fed up on this nightlife.
00:04:35The Tremaine family's not to be sneezed at.
00:04:38No, nor the Tremaine money.
00:04:41It ain't hey.
00:04:43Where's the big event take place?
00:04:45In my apartment.
00:04:46Cody and the gang are going with it.
00:04:47Well, to show you my heart in the right place,
00:04:49I'll send up the food.
00:04:51Your kindness is only overshadowed
00:04:53by your sweet disposition, Vic.
00:04:55So long.
00:05:03Oh, what a break for us, Dan.
00:05:05We'd clean up on this deal.
00:05:07I don't get you.
00:05:08Doris is marrying Tony to stay married.
00:05:10Yeah, that's what she thinks.
00:05:11You're going to have the opportunity of putting
00:05:13on the father act.
00:05:14And soon.
00:05:15But won't Doris object?
00:05:16Well, you leave that to me.
00:05:17We'll start the ball rolling by tipping off
00:05:19Tony's father in the newspapers.
00:05:21Ha, ha, ha.
00:05:33Here you go.
00:05:44I want to make a toast.
00:05:45Here's to the bride and groom.
00:05:46May all their problems be little troubles,
00:05:48and all their troubles go up to be presidents.
00:05:51Wait, I'll get it.
00:05:57I beg your pardon.
00:05:58I'm looking for Doris Starr.
00:06:00Well, come on in.
00:06:01Hey, Dan, here's another girl.
00:06:04Hey, Doris.
00:06:05Hey, Doris.
00:06:11Surprised to see me?
00:06:12Why, naturally I'm surprised to see you.
00:06:15I had no idea you were in town.
00:06:17Oh, I'm sorry.
00:06:18I'm surprised to see you.
00:06:19I had no idea you were in town.
00:06:21Hey, gang.
00:06:22I want you to meet my sister, Julie Cavanaugh.
00:06:26Oh, Julie.
00:06:28You almost missed the wedding supper.
00:06:30Doris and Tony just got married.
00:06:34Well, congratulations.
00:06:38Oh, it's wonderful.
00:06:40Here, first piece of wedding cake.
00:06:42Here you are, honey.
00:06:43Here, the party's just started.
00:06:45Oh, but I'm not much of a drinker.
00:06:47Oh, go ahead.
00:06:48You'll never learn any younger.
00:06:49You're an awfully good company.
00:06:50Take it easy, Dick.
00:06:51If she don't want a drink, she don't have to.
00:06:53I'll drink it.
00:06:54Here's to you, kid.
00:06:59Hey, gang, food!
00:07:01Oh, Doris!
00:07:12Look, why don't you all go home?
00:07:14Well, they haven't finished eating yet, Tony.
00:07:16Now, we're not going till we do.
00:07:17Wedding banquets like this don't grow on trees.
00:07:19That's right.
00:07:20That's right, Tony.
00:07:21You're right.
00:07:22Come on.
00:07:23Let's give Marie the bride.
00:07:24Say, that's right.
00:07:25That's right.
00:07:26Come on.
00:07:28Let me get another one.
00:07:29Oh, boy.
00:07:30Oh, good.
00:07:31Hang on to me.
00:07:32Come on, Marie.
00:07:33Come on, Marie.
00:07:49How did you know where to find me?
00:07:52Why shouldn't I know where to find you, you idiot?
00:07:54Every newspaper in town was tipped off that you had a loaf with a cheap nightclub dancer.
00:07:58Doris isn't a cheap nightclub dancer, and you can't talk like that about her.
00:08:02Oh, I can't, can't I?
00:08:03Don't forget I'm your father, and I've talked this matter over with my attorney,
00:08:07and instructed him to file a novel of proceedings first thing in the morning.
00:08:10Mr. Tremaine, I think you are very ill-mannered.
00:08:12You keep out of this, young lady.
00:08:14I won't keep out of it, and I won't let you insinuate things against Doris.
00:08:18My family is just as good as yours.
00:08:21Please, Julie, I'm sure that Mr. Tremaine will eventually be convinced I'm not a cheap person.
00:08:26Oh, don't worry, darling.
00:08:28I won't let anyone take you away from me.
00:08:30If you finish what you have to say, father, please leave.
00:08:34When I leave this place, you go with me, whether you like it or not.
00:08:37If you don't, I'll disinherit you.
00:08:39I'll cut you off.
00:08:40Time to go take a running jump in the lake, Tony.
00:08:42If he disinherits you, I'll get you a job as a bartender.
00:08:45Attagirl, step over here where I can photograph you telling him off.
00:08:48There'll be no more pictures.
00:08:50Come on, gang, let's throw them out.
00:08:52Come on.
00:08:53Oh, no, you don't, bud.
00:08:56Hello, you better call the cops with the wire and the brass, please.
00:09:00You little fool, think of my reputation.
00:09:02Give me that phone.
00:09:03It's okay.
00:09:04What does the wire sign mean?
00:09:08Disregard that telephone call.
00:09:09I'm sorry.
00:09:10I'm sorry.
00:09:11I'm sorry.
00:09:12I'm sorry.
00:09:13I'm sorry.
00:09:14I'm sorry.
00:09:15I'm sorry.
00:09:16I'm sorry.
00:09:17I'm sorry.
00:09:18I'm sorry.
00:09:19I'm sorry.
00:09:20I'm sorry.
00:09:21I'm sorry.
00:09:22I'm sorry.
00:09:23I'm sorry.
00:09:25Right here.
00:09:26Disregard that last phone call.
00:09:37Looks like you were trying to ride the wrong horse there, mister.
00:09:39Who's a horse?
00:09:41Oh, now, wait a minute.
00:09:42Take it easy.
00:09:43I didn't call you a horse.
00:09:44So I'm a horse.
00:09:45I might take it.
00:09:46Take it easy.
00:09:47Take it easy.
00:09:48Take it easy.
00:09:49Take it easy.
00:09:50Take it easy.
00:09:51Take it easy.
00:09:52Take it easy.
00:09:54That's marvelous.
00:09:55Hold it.
00:09:56Thanks a lot.
00:09:57Get going.
00:09:59All right, you people, clear out.
00:10:01Everybody, come on.
00:10:02I want another picture.
00:10:03Come on, come on, let's get going.
00:10:04Now, just a minute, officer.
00:10:05This is my wedding party.
00:10:06I can't help that.
00:10:07Get going.
00:10:08This is an outrage, officer.
00:10:09You can't arrest me.
00:10:10I'm Atmospheric domain the second.
00:10:13I don't care if you're Cleopatra the fifth.
00:10:16Get going.
00:10:17Better get a nice marriage to the fellow
00:10:19when you're in enough trouble already.
00:10:20You don't want to get arrested for burglary.
00:10:22I can't figure this situation out, Doris.
00:10:46Here you sit perfectly calm, and after what happened last night.
00:10:49How do you expect me to act?
00:10:50Do you think I'll be weeping and wailing all over the place?
00:10:53Well, you certainly ought to show some concern.
00:10:56You marry a man you apparently love.
00:10:58Then his father insults you and threatens an annulment.
00:11:01A riot starts, and you spend the night in jail.
00:11:04I don't know, but that certainly sounds to me like reason enough for a few tears.
00:11:08There are some things you don't understand, Julie.
00:11:11This isn't Coffeyville.
00:11:12I'll say it isn't.
00:11:13A girl in my position can't afford to buck the whims of the social 400, Julie.
00:11:18When I married Tony, I had no idea I was going to have to take on the whole Tremaine
00:11:22If he hasn't enough gumption to stand on his feet and stick up for his wife, there's nothing
00:11:27I can do about it.
00:11:28Well, I know one thing.
00:11:29If it was my husband that had been taken away from me so suddenly and roughly, I'd pick
00:11:34up the Tremaine home until I got him back.
00:11:36Look, Julie, did you come here to worry about my affairs?
00:11:41I'm sorry, sis.
00:11:43If I'm not here when you get back, I'll be at the club.
00:11:46You're not going back there.
00:11:48Why not?
00:11:49That's my work.
00:12:04Oh, hello, Doris.
00:12:06Hello, Dan.
00:12:07You're looking swell.
00:12:08Last night didn't get you down, eh?
00:12:09Why should it?
00:12:10Has the Tremaine lawyer phoned yet?
00:12:12Why, no.
00:12:13That's good.
00:12:14I'm going to offer my services.
00:12:15You know, take care of the business end.
00:12:16Why do I need your help?
00:12:17Sit down.
00:12:18I'll tell you all about it.
00:12:19The police taking you and young Tremaine to the city Bastille last night couldn't have
00:12:24worked out better if I'd staged it myself.
00:12:26I'm going to collect plenty for you.
00:12:28You know, damaged reputation, broken heart, things and stuff.
00:12:32A fine scandal you got me into.
00:12:35Well, it's not my fault, Dan.
00:12:37I didn't ask you to come up to Doris' apartment.
00:12:40Well, there's only one way out of this entire mess.
00:12:44You've got to call Doris Starr and tell her that she'll have to let you sue for an annulment.
00:12:48You were drinking when you married her and didn't realize what you were doing.
00:12:51But Doris won't agree.
00:12:53I know she loves me and I love her.
00:12:56That's beside the point.
00:12:57Legally, you have excellent grounds for an annulment.
00:13:00But I don't want an annulment.
00:13:01I don't care what you want.
00:13:03You'll do as I say.
00:13:11This is Doris Starr.
00:13:13My name is Johnson, Stanley Johnson, legal advisor to Anthony Tremaine III.
00:13:19To come right to the point, Miss Starr,
00:13:21how much will you take not to contest his annulment proceedings?
00:13:25What do you mean, how much will I take not to contest an annulment?
00:13:29I married Tony because I loved him and I'm going to stay married to him.
00:13:33Just because I happen to work in a nightclub,
00:13:35you think I'm not good enough for the Tremaine?
00:13:38Well, listen to me, Mr. Johnson.
00:13:40I'm married to Tony and...
00:13:43I understand all that.
00:13:45I won't consent to an annulment.
00:13:47I won't give up my husband.
00:13:49He belongs to me and neither you nor anyone else.
00:13:54Who do you think you're talking to anyway,
00:13:56making my daughter cry like this?
00:13:59You ought to be ashamed of yourself trying to break a poor girl's heart.
00:14:03It's the girl's father.
00:14:05She became hysterical and he's on the phone now.
00:14:09Regardless of all that,
00:14:11Tony Tremaine wants to have his marriage annulled as quickly as possible.
00:14:15I realize the fight in your daughter's apartment
00:14:18and the jail episode was an unfortunate occurrence.
00:14:22And we're willing to offer any reasonable settlement.
00:14:26Your offer of a reasonable settlement
00:14:28to my daughter's damaged reputation may not coincide.
00:14:32I don't want your client in my family.
00:14:34But if my daughter is willing to accept adequate compensation
00:14:37for her broken heart, it's all right with me.
00:14:39We're not admitting anything.
00:14:42However, if you can persuade your daughter,
00:14:45I may be able to induce my client to consider...
00:14:54It's not enough.
00:14:56I've already talked the matter over with my lawyer
00:14:59and either the Tremaine family pays off plenty or we'll sue for a million.
00:15:02And if you don't think we've got a good case,
00:15:04better read a few more law books.
00:15:08Oh, he hung up on me.
00:15:10Well, I'll pay him off and let's get it over with.
00:15:12That's not going to be easy.
00:15:14You said Doris started crying over the phone and got hysterical?
00:15:18Well, don't you see, Dad? She still loves me.
00:15:21Uh, Tommy Rotten. She's probably a good actress.
00:15:24Her kind don't know the meaning of the word love.
00:15:27Well, how much is it going to cost us?
00:15:29My offer of $25,000 didn't make a dent.
00:15:32Her father started raving about suing for a million.
00:15:35A million?
00:15:36That's outrageous. It's preposterous.
00:15:38Offer of $50,000, that's enough.
00:15:40Why, this is nothing but blackmail. That's what it is.
00:15:44I'll tell you, partner.
00:15:46I'm plum disgusted with Snake Eye.
00:15:48Why, that dirty old honoree, I'll tell you what he did to me.
00:15:51I was going down the river.
00:15:53No, you don't, partner. I got you. I got you covered.
00:15:56You just make one move, you're a shooting iron.
00:15:58It's going to be your last, savvy?
00:16:01Takes care to be talking to the old bar-nothing ranch.
00:16:05Oh, excuse me. Excuse me, boss.
00:16:08It's me, all right. Have you done what I told you?
00:16:11Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Sure, I got everything.
00:16:14I got the western magazine, the big map of Texas,
00:16:17the big hat, the high boots.
00:16:19Sure. Why, I've been practicing all afternoon.
00:16:22All right, then.
00:16:24You'll find him at the Windsor Manor apartment hotel.
00:16:26Apartment 404. That's his brother-in-law's apartment.
00:16:29Carter and my daughter are out of town.
00:16:31Now it's up to you.
00:16:46Oh, excuse me, sir. I reckon I came to the wrong ranch.
00:16:49I was looking for Mr. and Mrs. Carter, sir.
00:16:51Oh, that's all right.
00:16:53I reckon I came to the wrong ranch.
00:16:55I was looking for Mr. and Mrs. Carter, sir.
00:16:57Oh, well, this is their apartment,
00:16:58but my sister and her husband are out of town.
00:17:00Well, I'm mighty sorry to miss them.
00:17:02I came all the way from Texas just to see them.
00:17:04You know, Mr. Carter, he's an old pal of mine, sir.
00:17:06Oh, well, come on in.
00:17:08Well, sir, I don't mind if I do.
00:17:09These city streets sure hurt my feet.
00:17:11Yes, sir.
00:17:12Well, go on. Take your boots off.
00:17:13Make yourself right at home.
00:17:14Thank you, sir. I ain't used to walking much.
00:17:16Oh, here. Let me help you.
00:17:17Oh, thank you. Thank you.
00:17:18I'm Steve Randall from Oklahoma.
00:17:20I'm Mr. Cassidy from the Panhandle.
00:17:22I have 100,000 cattle there.
00:17:24You muffed that one, but take it over again.
00:17:26No wonder they hurt your feet.
00:17:28I think they're...
00:17:30Hey, sir, been in town long?
00:17:32Oh, just long enough to get in a fight
00:17:34with a couple of newlyweds and get thrown in jail.
00:17:36They released me as soon as I learned their mistakes.
00:17:38Well, you got yourself in a lot of excitement, didn't you?
00:17:41You know, I should have been with you, Steve.
00:17:43I ain't been in a real good fight since down in Texas.
00:17:46Texas, I got in with old Snake Eye down in Skeleton Gulch.
00:17:49You know what he did to me?
00:17:51He tried to get right behind me and pot shoot me.
00:17:53Yes, he did.
00:17:54Well, I guess things are a little more peaceful
00:17:56down in Oklahoma, Tex.
00:17:58Well, judging from these shooting irons,
00:18:00you're just plum modest.
00:18:01Seems to me I used to hear of a man by the name of Randall.
00:18:05If I remember correctly, they called him Wild Bill Randall.
00:18:09Tell me he was the toughest marshal
00:18:11that ever pulled a shooting iron.
00:18:13Then I heard that he was elected governor or something.
00:18:17That's right.
00:18:18He's my father.
00:18:19Those were his guns.
00:18:21Well, Steve, it's just going to be like old home week
00:18:24with you in town.
00:18:25Say, what do you say we team up and corral
00:18:27a few points of interest?
00:18:28Been to any nightclubs?
00:18:29Not yet.
00:18:30I figured I'd get around to those later on.
00:18:32Have you been to any?
00:18:33Yeah, I've been to two or three.
00:18:35Steve, they sure tried out some beautiful girls
00:18:37for you to look at.
00:18:38Say, let us take you to that tropical inn tonight.
00:18:41That place is real good.
00:18:50Good evening.
00:18:51Oh, good evening, ma'am.
00:18:52Table for two.
00:18:53Well, thank you.
00:18:54That'll be good for a start.
00:18:55But we may end up with a nightclub before we're through.
00:18:58Come this way, please.
00:19:01Gee, that glamour goon Mona is sure dumb.
00:19:05That Steve Randall, she just gave the go-by to.
00:19:09The young man from the great outdoors just came in.
00:19:19Decided what you want?
00:19:21Yes, indeed.
00:19:22Say, what do you say we team up and corral a few points
00:19:25of interest?
00:19:26Say, what do you say we team up and corral a few points
00:19:29of interest?
00:19:30Say, what are you doing for the next two weeks?
00:19:32You wouldn't understand if I told you.
00:19:34Don't pay any attention to him, ma'am.
00:19:35He's from the West and doesn't know any better.
00:19:37It seems I've heard of that place where men are men
00:19:39and the empty spaces are above the neck.
00:19:41Say, she's a right bird little billy, ain't she, Steve?
00:19:44I'll have a lemonade with a lot of ice.
00:19:47Well, I never thought I'd live to see the day
00:19:49with an old cowhand from Oklahoma
00:19:50with stooped to drinking that kind of stuff.
00:19:52Say, you better dig it straight.
00:19:54You know, you know a funny thing.
00:19:56The Randalls have always been sort of allergic to alcohol.
00:19:58Not that they had any objection to drinking,
00:20:00but every time they did, they always got a little lightheaded.
00:20:03Oh, other folks can drink and don't bother the nuns.
00:20:05Well, I guess the Randalls were just lightheaded
00:20:07to begin with.
00:20:08I think that's what old Granddad used to say.
00:20:10His old grandpappy sure knew what he was talking about.
00:20:13I'll take beer.
00:20:14You would.
00:20:21Well, sir, I reckon it's quite an old day they got here,
00:20:24It's all right.
00:20:29Oh, pardon me, Mr. Randall.
00:20:31I recognized you when you came in.
00:20:33I thought I'd come down and introduce myself.
00:20:36Well, I'm Vic Monroe, owner of the club.
00:20:38Oh, glad to know you, mister.
00:20:45Uh-oh, that's me.
00:20:52Sorry I'm late.
00:20:53And now, ladies and gentlemen,
00:20:54introducing a little lady you all know.
00:20:56Miss Doris Starr.
00:21:09See someone you'd like to meet?
00:21:11Well, sir, I don't want to appear greedy,
00:21:13but I'd sure like a knockdown for that little mistress'
00:21:16Well, I think that can be arranged.
00:21:27I've been trying to place the other girl.
00:21:29Who is she?
00:21:30Well, it's Julie Cavanaugh, Doris Starr's sister.
00:21:33She's not an employee of the club,
00:21:34but I think I can have you meet her.
00:21:36Who is she?
00:21:42Oh, uh, those two cowboys want to meet you.
00:21:45Why not?
00:21:46Do you mind, Miss Cavanaugh?
00:21:48Oh, Julie doesn't mind.
00:21:49Oh, I see.
00:21:50Well, if you don't mind, Miss Cavanaugh,
00:21:52I'd like to meet you.
00:21:53Why not?
00:21:54Do you mind, Miss Cavanaugh?
00:21:55Oh, Julie doesn't mind having come over.
00:22:09Miss Julie Cavanaugh, Miss Pauline Duval,
00:22:11may I present Mr. Steve Randall and, uh...
00:22:13Just call me Tix.
00:22:14Tix Cassidy, sir.
00:22:16I believe Mr. Randall and I met last night,
00:22:18although we weren't formally introduced.
00:22:20That's right.
00:22:21We were motoring together.
00:22:22Throw away.
00:22:23Steve, you old rascal!
00:22:39Doris, I want you to meet a couple of friends
00:22:41of Mr. Manley's.
00:22:43Doris, I want you to meet a couple of friends
00:22:45of Mr. Monroe's.
00:22:46Mr. Randall and Mr. Cassidy.
00:22:47Miss Star.
00:22:48How do you do?
00:22:49How do you do?
00:22:50Julie, I'd like to talk with you for a few moments.
00:22:52Of course.
00:22:53Will you excuse us?
00:22:54Well, yes, yes, surely.
00:22:56Sit down.
00:22:57Clamp yourself.
00:22:58She'll be back in a few minutes.
00:22:59Maybe her sister didn't like us coming to your table.
00:23:01Oh, she'll be all right.
00:23:02She's a little upset about what happened last night.
00:23:05Are you a real westerner?
00:23:06You don't look like one with your hat off.
00:23:09Why, Miss Goldie, I'll run 100,000 head of cattle
00:23:13down on the old panhandle.
00:23:15I didn't know they made pans that big.
00:23:19I don't want you getting acquainted
00:23:20with men that come into this club.
00:23:22But Steve, Randall seems like a perfect gentleman.
00:23:24Besides, it was Vic Monroe that brought him over to the table.
00:23:27I know.
00:23:28I saw what went on.
00:23:29And I still don't like it.
00:23:33Buy yourself a house as well.
00:23:39Oh, there's Anthony Tremaine III.
00:23:41I hope he doesn't start any trouble.
00:23:42He looks a little tipsy.
00:23:46Hello, Doris.
00:23:47Hi, Julie.
00:23:48Hello, Tony.
00:23:49Sit down.
00:23:50I just thought I'd stop by and tell you
00:23:52how sorry I am about what happened last night.
00:23:56You ought to be sorry.
00:23:58However, there's no use discussing the matter further.
00:24:01It's over with.
00:24:02Well, you're not going to take my father seriously, are you?
00:24:05After all, I don't want to break up our marriage.
00:24:08Listen, Tony.
00:24:09Your father broke up our marriage.
00:24:11And you weren't man enough to prevent it.
00:24:13You walked out on me in court this morning
00:24:16and followed the great Anthony Tremaine Sr.
00:24:18home like a little whipped pup.
00:24:20You mean you want to go through with the annulment?
00:24:23I mean just that.
00:24:25I don't want any part of your family.
00:24:27Oh, that's a laugh.
00:24:29I should have believed what my father and Johnson
00:24:31said about you.
00:24:33They told me you only married me to work a blackmail racket.
00:24:36Say, here.
00:24:37You can't talk like that about Doris.
00:24:39Oh, sit down.
00:24:40This doesn't concern me.
00:24:41Keep your hands off, Julie, or I'll have you thrown out.
00:24:43Go ahead and try it.
00:24:44Now that you've roped me in and figured my old man
00:24:46will pay off, you talk big.
00:24:48But I'm wise to you.
00:24:49The lady said to get out.
00:24:50Better do as she says.
00:24:52Well, so the ex-governor's son has fallen for my wife, huh?
00:24:57Well, you can have her.
00:25:00Let go of her.
00:25:01Nobody's going to knock me down to get away with it.
00:25:04Get more than that if you don't leave quietly.
00:25:06Take them outside and put them in a can.
00:25:10It's OK.
00:25:14Oh, I'm sorry I lost my temper.
00:25:16Where I come from, men were taught to respect women.
00:25:18Thanks, Steve.
00:25:19I'm very grateful to you.
00:25:21I'm very grateful to you.
00:25:23I'm very grateful to you.
00:25:25Where I come from, men were taught to respect women.
00:25:27Thanks, Steve.
00:25:28I'm very grateful to you, Mr. Randall.
00:25:30Come on, Julie.
00:25:39Listen, Vic, let's have an understanding.
00:25:42I don't want my sister meeting any of your patrons
00:25:44like last night.
00:25:46Are you trying to keep her hidden from the rest of the world?
00:25:48Yes, as far as you and your rackets are concerned.
00:25:51Cool off, darling.
00:25:52I'm not interested in your sister or her friends.
00:25:54Don't kid me.
00:25:55I know you too well.
00:25:56You figure Steve's father would pay off plenty
00:25:58to keep him out of a scandal.
00:26:00Well, I'm just interested in protecting Julie.
00:26:02Get it?
00:26:03Oh, now, wait a minute.
00:26:04Let's not get into an argument today.
00:26:06As a matter of fact, we should be happy and celebrate.
00:26:09The Tremaine family is willing to pay off
00:26:11to the tune of $50,000.
00:26:14Night's going, huh?
00:26:16Why are you so interested in having me marry Janelle, Vic?
00:26:25Because I love you.
00:26:29Darling, I want to marry you.
00:26:34You really mean that?
00:26:37You're not just building me up for another letdown.
00:26:40This time, I really mean it.
00:26:43Oh, uh, you ought to be in the office
00:26:45of Tremaine's attorney at 2.30.
00:26:48You just about have time to make him sign
00:26:51and get to the bank before it closes.
00:26:54I don't know why I have to like a no-good two-timer like you,
00:26:58but I do.
00:27:06Sign right there, Miss Starr.
00:27:08You girls should be accustomed to signing papers like this.
00:27:11I guess it's one of the penalties we have to face
00:27:14for being in the spotlight.
00:27:15Seems to me Monroe should organize
00:27:17a club among his showgirls.
00:27:19A professional marriage club.
00:27:21Why don't you talk to Mr. Monroe?
00:27:23You might be able to handle the legal business for the club.
00:27:26That's an idea.
00:27:27Two or three of his girls are always tangled up
00:27:30in annulment or divorce proceedings
00:27:32with some scatterbrained playboy.
00:27:35On second thought, though, I'd rather stay
00:27:38on the outside of the bars looking in.
00:27:40There's your check signed by Tremaine Sr.
00:27:43I'll call the bank and have it verified.
00:27:45That's fair of considered of you.
00:27:47$50,000 is a lot of money, Miss Starr.
00:27:50Don't spend it all in one place.
00:27:52Thanks for the advice.
00:28:01You know Doris, Pete.
00:28:02You know what a swell girl she is.
00:28:04I don't care what my old man or anyone else says.
00:28:07I'm still off my bean about her.
00:28:09I wouldn't take it too hard, Tony.
00:28:11But if you keep on carrying the torch,
00:28:13you'll have to get someone to scrape the tallow off your arms.
00:28:17Why aren't you even going to say hello to me, Doris?
00:28:20I don't know why I should,
00:28:22after what you said about me last night.
00:28:24I know, and I'm terribly sorry.
00:28:26I didn't mean to talk like that.
00:28:28Look, if you'll forgive me and at least be friends,
00:28:31I'll come back here tonight to the club
00:28:33and apologize to you in front of the whole gang.
00:28:36I believe you would at that, Tony.
00:28:38I'll always like you.
00:28:40There's no reason why we can't be friends.
00:28:43There's no reason why we can't be friends.
00:28:45Oh, you're a peach.
00:28:47Will you come over and have a little drinky with me
00:28:49so we can talk a while?
00:28:50I promise I won't say anything I shouldn't.
00:28:53All right.
00:28:54I'll join you as soon as I see Vic Monroe.
00:28:57You're a darling.
00:29:02Looks like I should have knocked three times
00:29:04and then counted ten.
00:29:05Well, it is customary to knock before entering a private office.
00:29:08I wasn't talking to you.
00:29:09Well, listen, darling.
00:29:10Don't call me darling.
00:29:12I wouldn't believe you again
00:29:13if you made a promise on a stack of Bibles
00:29:15as high as the Washington Monument.
00:29:17I'm going to return that Tremaine money
00:29:19and quit this town for good.
00:29:20And I'm taking Julie with me.
00:29:21What do you mean you're going to return the money?
00:29:23If you're leaving town, it's okay with me,
00:29:25but I want that cash.
00:29:26You're going to have to want a long time.
00:29:29I think you ought to split that money with Vic.
00:29:31Who asked you to put in your ten cents' worth?
00:29:34So long, lovebirds.
00:29:35I said I want that cash.
00:29:39You don't think I'd be foolish enough
00:29:41to carry it around with me, do you?
00:29:46Look, darling.
00:29:48I'll make a deal with you.
00:29:49We'll split 50-50, huh?
00:29:52And no hard feelings?
00:29:53No, thanks.
00:29:54That money goes back to the Tremaines.
00:29:56And if you try to stop me,
00:29:58I'll do enough talking to put you away for a long time.
00:30:03Let's go someplace where we can have a little more privacy.
00:30:05Suits me.
00:30:06Hello, Tony.
00:30:07Hi, Vic.
00:30:08Not leaving so soon, are you?
00:30:09Well, Doris and I thought we'd, uh...
00:30:11Find a more private place to do our talking.
00:30:13Well, how about a last drink on the house?
00:30:15You know, just for luck.
00:30:16So, but only one.
00:30:18A round of drinks for me and my friends, Pete.
00:30:21What do you have, Doris?
00:30:25Bourbon highball.
00:30:26Yeah, and put an extra shot in it.
00:30:27This is a big occasion.
00:30:28He and Doris have just got married.
00:30:30Okay, Vic.
00:30:31I'll give him something to remember us by.
00:30:33I wish you wouldn't do any more drinking, Tony.
00:30:35You've had enough.
00:30:36Oh, another little one won't hurt.
00:30:38Anyway, Vic's my friend.
00:30:39I can't refuse him.
00:30:40You used to be the one that never let his glass stay empty.
00:30:43What are you up to now, Doris?
00:30:45You ought to know.
00:30:47Oh, uh...
00:30:50Success and happiness to both of you.
00:30:55Come on, Tony.
00:30:57Well, oh, many thanks for the drink, Vic.
00:31:01The pleasure was all mine.
00:31:11Oh, I feel kind of sick.
00:31:15I guess I shouldn't have had that last drink.
00:31:18Oh, no, no, no.
00:31:21I guess I shouldn't have had that last drink.
00:31:24Oh, I feel like the walking dead.
00:31:28You'll be all right, Tony.
00:31:29I'll fix you some black coffee.
00:31:31I guess I need it, Doris.
00:31:32Oh, I...
00:31:34I want you to know that this annulment business wasn't my idea.
00:31:39I know, Tony.
00:31:41I'm really the one to blame.
00:31:54Here's the money your attorney gave me today.
00:31:56I'm returning it.
00:31:59I kept trying to tell my dad you weren't a gold digger.
00:32:04I want you to give him this money.
00:32:07Then maybe he'll...
00:32:09I'm sorry, Tony.
00:32:11I'm sorry.
00:32:12I'm sorry.
00:32:13I'm sorry.
00:32:14I'm sorry.
00:32:15I'm sorry.
00:32:16I'm sorry.
00:32:17I'm sorry.
00:32:18I'm sorry.
00:32:19I'm sorry.
00:32:20I'm sorry.
00:32:21I'm sorry.
00:32:29I wouldn't call anyone if I were you, Doris.
00:32:32This is the last double cross you'll ever pull, darling.
00:32:36You've got to listen.
00:32:58I didn't kill Doris.
00:33:00I know they found me with a gun in my hand,
00:33:02but I wouldn't have harmed her for anything in the world.
00:33:06I loved her.
00:33:07I'd been drinking, and I passed out
00:33:09almost as soon as we got into the room.
00:33:12You've got to believe me, Julie.
00:33:14I do believe you, Tony.
00:33:15That's why I'm here.
00:33:17I thought perhaps you could give me
00:33:18some information that would help me trace the real murderer.
00:33:21I've got to find out who killed my sister.
00:33:24But I told everything I knew at the inquest.
00:33:27If your father hadn't threatened all sorts of counter suits
00:33:30because of the trouble at the apartment,
00:33:32I might have been able to stop the anomaly.
00:33:34My father threatened to sue you?
00:33:36Why, I haven't any father.
00:33:38He died when Doris and I were children.
00:33:41But I don't understand.
00:33:43A man who said he was Doris' father got on the phone
00:33:46and raved about the damage to his daughter's reputation.
00:33:49He threatened to sue for a million dollars
00:33:52if we didn't pay off.
00:33:53About what time in the morning did this conversation take place?
00:33:57Oh, about 11.30, I imagine.
00:34:00I gave Doris' phone number to Johnson
00:34:03and he called her while we were there.
00:34:05Don't say anything about this until you hear from me again.
00:34:08Maybe I can help you.
00:34:10I don't know what to say, Julie.
00:34:12I only hope that someday I'll be in a position
00:34:15to do something for you.
00:34:17You never can tell.
00:34:26Okay, I'm coming.
00:34:34Oh, hello, Julie.
00:34:35Hello, Goldie.
00:34:36Did you find a job?
00:34:37No, I didn't.
00:34:38Guess I'm not trying very hard, huh?
00:34:40Feeling kind of tough, huh?
00:34:42Gee, it sure looks like Tony's going to the chair
00:34:44in spite of his old man's dole.
00:34:46I don't believe Tony's guilty.
00:34:47Well, the evidence is sure all against him.
00:34:49That's true, Goldie.
00:34:50But there are still a lot of things
00:34:52that haven't been explained.
00:34:53What happened to the $50,000 Tony claimed Doris gave him
00:34:57just before he passed out?
00:34:59Search me.
00:35:00Search me?
00:35:01Maybe he was lying when he said Doris
00:35:03invited him to her apartment to return the money to him.
00:35:05The district attorney's office must think he's guilty.
00:35:07Otherwise, they wouldn't hold him without bail.
00:35:10Goldie, I have a feeling Tony Tremaine was framed.
00:35:14How long did my sister work for Vic Monroe?
00:35:17Oh, I don't know.
00:35:18About three or four years.
00:35:19You don't suppose he had anything
00:35:21to do with her death, do you?
00:35:23Oh, you're bombing.
00:35:25Why, Vic was in love with Doris.
00:35:27Then why did she marry Tony?
00:35:29I don't know.
00:35:30Everybody around the club seemed to think
00:35:31he was that way about your sister.
00:35:33I may be a little hick from Kansas,
00:35:36but two and two does make four.
00:35:38And I don't believe that this is the first annulment case
00:35:40that Vic has been mixed up in.
00:35:43I like you, Julie.
00:35:44So I want to give you a little advice.
00:35:46Kiss this town goodbye and go back to Kansas.
00:35:50Well, looks like business is picking up.
00:35:53Well, if it isn't the big boss himself with his shadow.
00:35:58Hello, Miss Cavanaugh.
00:36:01Have you met Mr. Sherwood?
00:36:02He's an associate of mine.
00:36:04How do you do?
00:36:05How do you do?
00:36:06Julie's going to shell the apartment with me,
00:36:08moving in tomorrow.
00:36:09She's been kind of lonesome.
00:36:11I thought that young westerner from Oklahoma
00:36:13was taking care of that.
00:36:14Oh, I see Steve occasionally.
00:36:16Come on, Vic.
00:36:17I was just going to make some coffee.
00:36:18You can help me.
00:36:21What is this wink?
00:36:22Look, Julie's been asking a lot of funny questions.
00:36:24I thought if I got her to move in with me,
00:36:26I could talk her into going back to Coffeyville.
00:36:28Don't be foolish.
00:36:29What, lose a good thing?
00:36:31Are you cuckoo?
00:36:32No, but Steve Randall is.
00:36:34About her.
00:36:35If we use our heads, we'll be able to take
00:36:37us farther for plenty.
00:36:39She's too smart.
00:36:40And besides, she likes the kids.
00:36:41Oh, she's smart.
00:36:42She's smart.
00:36:43She's smart.
00:36:44She's smart.
00:36:45She's smart.
00:36:46She's smart.
00:36:47She's smart.
00:36:48She's smart.
00:36:49Oh, she does.
00:36:50Listen, sweetheart.
00:36:53I never met a girl yet that I wasn't able to swing
00:36:55over to my way of thinking.
00:36:56Well, well, well, well.
00:36:59My, but your domestic.
00:37:00Tell me about Cassidy.
00:37:02You going to land him?
00:37:04I haven't failed yet, have I?
00:37:06No, but uh...
00:37:08I'll bet you 50 on it.
00:37:10I'll take that bet.
00:37:12You're a slap.
00:37:14I learned a lot of new angles from Doris,
00:37:16that I've been saving for just such an occasion.
00:37:17such an occasion. You know, whenever she got her hands on any big dough, she made copies of the serial numbers.
00:37:28I never thought she was that clever. Clever? Say, Doris always said that if she was ever
00:37:33double-crossed, she was going to be the one to crack the whip. I'd hate to be in the gent's shoes
00:37:38that tries to get rid of that missing fifty thousand. Mr. Sherwood, weren't you in my sister's
00:37:42apartment when the Tremaine attorney called about the annulment? Why, I believe I was.
00:37:49Wonderful girl, Doris. Wonderful. I loved her like a daughter. So I understand. You
00:37:54even told Stanley Johnson, the Tremaine attorney, that you were her father.
00:38:01I might have given that impression, Miss Cavanaugh. I was so angry and upset when
00:38:04Doris, poor child, became hysterical on the telephone and couldn't talk intelligently.
00:38:09I wonder what they're doing out there. I really could go for a good cup of coffee.
00:38:23I don't like this setup. That girl worries me. What's the matter now? Miss Cavanaugh, she worries me.
00:38:29Take it easy. I know what I'm doing. I hope so.
00:38:41How about some coffee for me? Well, I might be able to do better than that.
00:38:46Goldie tells me you haven't had much luck finding a job. No, I haven't. Well, I need a cigarette girl
00:38:53and you need a job. Tell me, can you dance or sing? Oh, I sing a little. Well, then you've got a job.
00:41:53I'm alone again. And it's all your fault. I'm alone again. No, you promised me you'd phone again. I'm alone again.
00:42:09I'm feeling blue. I'm feeling blue. When I stroll alone down the avenue.
00:42:20Everyone I meet seems to know it's true. I'm feeling blue. I need your arms about me.
00:42:35I need the thrill of your kiss. I never thought you'd doubt me and leave me alone like this.
00:42:50Alone again. Alone again. And it's all your fault. I'm alone again. I'm put loose and down. I'm my own again. But I'm alone again.
00:43:14Take home a souvenir to your folks, miss. It'll make them happy.
00:43:17You think I'd be here if I had any folks? I came here to forget I was lonesome.
00:43:21I thought I might be able to buy a little happiness. I've got the money to pay for it.
00:43:28Well, you've got a lot more than I've got. I can't even try to buy happiness. Well, that's too bad.
00:43:36I'm sorry. Did I make you cry? No, I was just thinking about my mother.
00:43:44She's an infidel. I don't make enough money here to even take care of her.
00:43:49Well, baby, I can help you. I'm not exactly wealthy, but I'm by and large a businessman.
00:43:56Hello, boys. Hello, Vic. Go and see what the boys want.
00:43:59Oh, excuse me. I'll see you later. I've got to wait on the customer.
00:44:06What's the matter with Julie? She looks like she's been crying.
00:44:09She probably got her thinking of outdoors. She took her sister's death pretty much to heart.
00:44:13Well, uh, when did Julie start peddling cigarettes here?
00:44:17Tonight. She had to go to work, so Vic gave her a job. How are the cows getting along, Tex?
00:44:23What cows? Oh, you mean the hundred thousand head of cattle I have down in the panhandle?
00:44:28Well, I reckon they're plum content. You must have to get up pretty early to milk them.
00:44:33They're not milk cows, Goldie. They're beef steers.
00:44:36Well, I don't get it. Excuse me. Come in.
00:44:43What kind of a line were you handing that old man out there?
00:44:47He was so lonesome I could have sold him Rockefeller Center.
00:44:50Julie, I'm rather surprised at you.
00:44:52You needn't be. You don't suppose I can live off the money I make, do you?
00:44:58Besides, I took this job to get back at the rich playboys that were responsible for what happened
00:45:02to Doris. Oh, well, uh...
00:45:09How would you like to make some really big money, huh?
00:45:12I'm listening. Steve Randall's fallen for you, you know.
00:45:16If you're smart, you can marry him. And then what?
00:45:19Then his father will pay off plenty to have the marriage annulled.
00:45:24Do you think you can get away with a thing like that?
00:45:26Well, you leave it to me. I know just how to handle it.
00:45:30Oh. And, uh, what do I get out of it?
00:45:34Oh, well, that depends on the size of the settlement. Probably around 10%.
00:45:43If I marry Steve Randall, I want 50% of the payoff.
00:45:47What? Hey, wait a minute.
00:45:49I've got to take care of the attorney and Sherwood out of my split.
00:45:53That's your tough luck. 50% or no marriage.
00:46:16You didn't tell me you were going to work here, Julie.
00:46:18I didn't know it myself until this afternoon.
00:46:21That's a right nice number, that orchestra playing.
00:46:23Is this Julie? Yes.
00:46:27Speaking of numbers, maybe you can help me.
00:46:30I found this in Doris' apartment this afternoon while I was packing.
00:46:35Oh, they look like lottery numbers.
00:46:37Steve, do you mind if I take a little peek at that?
00:46:42Does Doris ever play the lottery?
00:46:43Not that I know of.
00:46:53Looks like the old number's racking to me, Julie.
00:46:58Sit down, sit down. I know you're a gentleman.
00:47:00I just want to know if Mr. Tex Cassidy would like to do a little shin cracker.
00:47:04You look like you got an old shin cracker, Goldie.
00:47:14I wish you didn't have to work here, Julie.
00:47:18Well, I can't start today.
00:47:20Perhaps if I stay here long enough,
00:47:23I'll meet someone who'll fall in love with me and take me away.
00:47:27You know how they tell about in storybooks.
00:47:30You found that person already, Julie.
00:47:33I've been in love with you since the first night I met you.
00:47:40I guess I feel the same way about you, too, Steve.
00:47:44I mean, I was afraid to even think about it.
00:47:50You're the nicest girl in the world, Julie.
00:47:55Will you marry me?
00:48:09Well, if you two are cooking up a romance, I don't know nothing about love.
00:48:14Steve and I are going to be married, Goldie.
00:48:17I thought so. Congratulations to you both.
00:48:22Let me offer my kindest regards, Steve.
00:48:25Isn't it wonderful, Tex?
00:48:26It sure is.
00:48:28Why not make it a double wedding?
00:48:34This little girl doesn't think of me in that way.
00:48:36Steve, what's the matter with you?
00:48:38Oh, yes, I do, Texie Wexie. You're adorable!
00:48:45Oh, double wedding. Splendid.
00:48:47You know, I, uh, I specialize in double weddings.
00:48:49I even give a discount.
00:48:51Oh, we're not interested in that.
00:48:52We just want to get married.
00:48:53Let's just get on with the ceremony.
00:48:54Oh, all right, all right.
00:48:56Then let me see your licenses, eh?
00:48:57And then I'll call for the witness.
00:49:02That's it.
00:49:04There we are.
00:49:05Now just get your rings and join hands.
00:49:09Do you, Julia Cavanaugh and Goldine Duval,
00:49:13take these two men to be your lawful wedded husbands,
00:49:17to love, to honor, and cherish them until death do you part?
00:49:22I do.
00:49:23I do.
00:49:25And do you, Stephen Randall and James Cassidy,
00:49:29take these two women to be your lawful wedded wives,
00:49:32to love, to honor, protect, and to love again?
00:49:38Until death do you part?
00:49:41I do.
00:49:42I do.
00:49:43Put on your rings.
00:49:45And now, by virtue of my authority,
00:49:48as justice of the peace, I pronounce you married.
00:49:55Now you may sign here, please.
00:49:58Now, Claire, you and Maggie go out and get the luggage,
00:50:02and then you can sign as witnesses later on.
00:50:05That's the...
00:50:06Now just follow me, please.
00:50:08I'll show you the tattle-dove suite.
00:50:11Come right along.
00:50:15Now this door leads to your apartment,
00:50:18and this one leads to your apartment.
00:50:21And I know that you'll be very comfortable and happy here.
00:50:24Oh, will you send up our baggage?
00:50:25Oh, yes, baggage, baggage.
00:50:27I know, baggage.
00:50:30Well, I guess we're in the way here.
00:50:38Oh, a love seat.
00:50:43Well, aren't you going to take off your hat and stay a while?
00:50:49Oh, Texas.
00:50:55Happy, darling?
00:51:17Hey, what happened, Steve?
00:51:18I don't know.
00:51:19She started to cry, and then without any explanation, she left me.
00:51:22Hey, Goldie, where do you think you're going?
00:51:23I'm going to take care of Julie.
00:51:25Come on.
00:51:29Where'd she go?
00:51:36Well, that's that, Steve.
00:51:38I knew this would happen.
00:51:40What are you driving at, Tex?
00:51:42Why, Goldie and Julie have gone back to Vic Monroe.
00:51:45That's part of their racket.
00:51:47What racket?
00:51:50Why, your father's going to show up here in a little bit,
00:51:52and then Julie is going to sue you for an annulment.
00:51:55An annulment?
00:51:57Well, now listen, Steve.
00:51:58There are a lot of things about this that I should have told you.
00:52:00You've said enough already, Tex.
00:52:02Julie is my wife, and I'm not going to let anybody take her away from me.
00:52:04Now, Steve, look here.
00:52:34Where is my son?
00:52:35Your son?
00:52:36Yes, Steve Randolph.
00:52:37Oh you mean one of the new bride well you'll find him right in that room and the
00:52:42time to go to the right over there.
00:52:46Oh son son where are you. When you find it I am not Steve.
00:52:54Well I was going to get here in a hurry and I took a plane from Oklahoma soon as I
00:52:59received word about Steve getting married where is it he's gone right right away
00:53:05and he's trying to find. Well I said you know this time about that I checked on
00:53:11Julie cabin off that girl's all right oh you mean you're not sore because Steve got
00:53:15married of course not and you're not going to make a call for wedding I know I've
00:53:20been trying to get him married off for five years doing good make him settle down
00:53:24that's just not me what are you doing in this bridal suite anyway I'm just another
00:53:30disappointed bride rule Steve's wife left my wife left with her you know I can't
00:53:35say that I blame her much for that I agree with you. Well that doesn't help me
00:53:42clinch the murder case I was on murder case yet I've got the goods on
00:53:48Vic Monroe for the killing of Doris cabin and let them wash you've got to help what
00:53:53can I do I'll tell you what you can do this Mrs Stephen Randall is my dropper I
00:53:58demand to see her at once yeah where's the bride please gentlemen please I'll have
00:54:03this marriage and all of it's
00:54:04a last thing I ever do where I've seen you before you're Cassidy of the state
00:54:09detective bureau what are you doing here but get it done you can quote me as saying
00:54:13I'm definitely opposed to my son's marriage the cigarette girl it's been
00:54:16a terrific blow to me. But I feel like
00:54:20a fat Julie because not to let you get away with an act like that you're playing
00:54:24with dynamite I can't help but go beyond I don't realize how much I was in love
00:54:27with Steve until it was too late when big back in the office with Mona checking over
00:54:32their feet. I didn't expect you back so soon that everything all right we didn't
00:54:39wait long enough to find out. Don't tell me you didn't get married
00:54:45oh I married Steve all right but I'm not going through with the deal maybe you're
00:54:52not but I am you're walking out into
00:54:55a bit of harm not when the newspapers get through printing the heartbroken story
00:54:59your father tells them about the no good cow hand you married you wouldn't do that
00:55:03to Steve you know Sherwood is not my father so you really fell in love with Steve
00:55:09a why shouldn't I I loved him the first moment I saw him.
00:55:15I have
00:55:16a right to fall in love if I want to know you haven't darling I went into this thing
00:55:21to make money and I'm going to get it I was all set with text but you pull that
00:55:24far back and beat it oh it's Julie Cavanaugh here just wait I'll find out
00:55:36Steve Ryan was in the house he wants to see her.
00:55:38But. I'm
00:55:49going to come in here take this even covered and let him have it he tries anything.
00:55:57You stay here you're going to tell Steve off you don't he might meet with
00:56:01a little accident when you get out of here now wait a minute you stay.
00:56:09I thought I'd find you here Julie come on you're going home with me.
00:56:23Why don't you grow up I never realized you were such
00:56:27a stupid hillbilly until after I married you you didn't think up those words
00:56:31yourself Julie who's giving you advice nobody has to give me advice I know what
00:56:38I want and it isn't you. You don't mean that you didn't mean it you wouldn't say
00:56:44it. Come on Julie I want to get you out of here you know.
00:56:52Don't you ever come back into this club again yes that's what I say get out.
00:57:00I guess Cassidy was right when he told me all about you I'll give you
00:57:03a moment if you want it I'll give it to you whatever it costs me so long I sure
00:57:10admire your choice of friends.
00:57:16Take it in the dressing room and watch it come on.
00:57:34I've got to talk to you Steve it's very important I'm not interested you did
00:57:37enough talking the last time I know I did but for
00:57:40a very good reason all the time you were in Vic's office people in the next room
00:57:43coming in with
00:57:43an automatic heat that's why Julie had to say what she did otherwise it had been
00:57:47too bad for you trying to tell me that Julie just putting on
00:57:50an act for my benefit you're
00:57:52a simple thing Steve Julie's in love with you and you ought to know what sure she
00:57:55marries me because she loves me then because she loves me she leaves me I don't
00:57:59know that doesn't make sense to me she walked out because she didn't want to go
00:58:02through with the unknown but the victim Dan Sherwood were planning she thought
00:58:05they had something to do with
00:58:06a sister's death and only took a job with him to try and prove it where is she
00:58:12now still at the club and in
00:58:13a plain tough spot that's why I came after you say you can't carry
00:58:30a concealed weapon you'll be arrested they won't be concealed besides that I have
00:58:35a permit to carry these any place in the United States the last time I faced
00:58:40Monroe he had
00:58:40a not a medic this time it's going to be more even.
00:58:50Wow. Matter Dan you look worried I am worried to Julie get back as she's in
00:58:58the dressing room with Mona she tried to pull
00:59:00a fast one I wouldn't doubt it text Cassidy's estate to take what are you kidding
00:59:06I wish I were but it's true one of the reporters at Honeymoon Lodge recognize
00:59:10that that means that Randall and Julie are probably working with them I told you
00:59:14not to trust that babyface Kavanaugh kid get Goldie we've got to sneak Julie out
00:59:19of town and put her in
00:59:21a place where she won't do any talking right. Look money you know Vic isn't doing
00:59:27the right thing you keep quiet you're staying right here.
01:00:49you're working with Cassidy and I don't know what you're talking about but this is
01:00:53the money that was stolen when Doris was mad. You killed.
01:01:02You think you're smart don't you.
01:01:33this thing I beg your part but I'm up don't make any noise get go.
01:01:44Pretty isn't it.
01:02:24You want to learn to shoot Monroe you ever hear of playing billions with bullets
01:02:29reckon I'll have to demonstrate a care of shot I get that champagne cooler out of
01:02:35this clip your ear.
01:02:42You could hear the flock of wagon covers flying low with
01:02:45a machine gun let's get down to some fancy Oklahoma shooting.
01:03:08my turn now Randall you've got more nerve and I thought you had Monroe I'll give
01:03:14an even break I'd appreciate your kindness very
01:03:22much if I didn't know that your old fashioned gun was empty you fired six shots
01:03:27I counted them but I still have two bullets left in this automatic.
01:03:34Well I reckon you got me you overlooked one thing Monroe back in Oklahoma we
01:03:40back to.
01:03:47High dead how did you know where I was so long story from my goal to get located
01:03:53is that the district attorney's office didn't get.
01:04:00That's the money that was stolen when Doris was killed I found the bills among
01:04:04those briefcase and compared them with the numbers that Doris had written down on
01:04:07a piece of paper you mean the paper you showed Texan me yes but where is it now
01:04:11Julie he burned she doesn't know what she's talking about I always keep a lot of
01:04:15money around the club let me see that money officer. One of those serial
01:04:21numbers nine six three two one five.
01:04:28Yeah here it is text another number nine six three seven one eight. Yeah that's
01:04:34right and is there another number nine six three two eight six that's right how
01:04:41do you have to know those numbers well I'll tell you when Julie showed him to Steve
01:04:45the other night I memorized you know I get paid for just doing that sort of thing
01:04:49you mean you're a cop he's one of the chief investigators for the state I thought
01:04:54you were
01:04:54a millionaire.
