Check out my new cool optical trick - the Hole in Hand Illusion! Inspired by TutoDraw. All done with paint to create a 3D illusion.
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★How to draw a magical illusion hole in 3D Effect★
In this video I show how to draw trick art.
Anamorphosis is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. The word "anamorphosis" is derived from the Greek prefix ana‑, meaning back or again, and the word morphe, meaning shape or form.
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★How to draw a magical illusion hole in 3D Effect★
In this video I show how to draw trick art.
Anamorphosis is a distorted projection or perspective requiring the viewer to use special devices or occupy a specific vantage point to reconstitute the image. The word "anamorphosis" is derived from the Greek prefix ana‑, meaning back or again, and the word morphe, meaning shape or form.
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