In Democratic debate, Israel barely bears mention

  • 9 years ago
Coming on the heels of two Republican debates in which candidates found common ground criticizing the Iran nuclear deal and emphasizing their support for Israel, the first debate between Democratic challengers for the presidency was highlighted by candidates who pushed against each other on Iraq and other foreign policy issues.
Undaunted by critique of her more interventionist stances, Clinton asserted that the US needed to "stand up to [Russian President Vladimir Putin's] bullying... specifically in Syria," adding, "I think it's important that the United States make it very clear to Putin that it's not acceptable for him to be in Syria creating more chaos."
Clinton's campaign doubled down on her foreign policy credentials, releasing a list of achievements that included breaking a cabinet deadlock on whether to order the mission that culminated with the killing of al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden and highlighting that she "personally negotiated a stop to Hamas rockets raining down on Israel with a ceasefire in Gaza 'right at the moment hope seemed dead for a rapid end to the violence.'"
