• 9 years ago
Whoa! Just when we have Fire banned for lesbianism here we have these two gals openly smooch each other and say they are straight‎.

Well check it out and it beats us how some people manage to hog all the limelight the right way by saying they never did anything wrong. Yep this is Nia Sharma and Reyhna who claim that it is alright to smooch as friends.

Well whenever did the casual peck in the cheek ever give lips the entry? So we now change the rules for gals and guys too? When they are friends in this gender equal ‎world is it alright for them to greet each other this way? Gotta ask Nia and Reyhna before changing stuff huh!?

All the same the two are very much in the limelight and have perhaps achieved what they set out at. Publicity. ‎And this the social media would give them in bulk what with such pics uploaded by them. It remains a fact that they had to take off the post after the flak but they did get seen hai na?
