Here is a real short movie bumper, picked up off my rooftop antenna, from WJBK, Ch. 2 in Detroit. Taped in late 1981.Here are some vintage ads taken from the Jay Leno Show in November 1986. Here's the lineup. 1. Old Spice deodorant 2. Aunt Jemima Lite syrup 3. Gillette ...
Here is a real short movie bumper, picked up off my rooftop antenna, from WJBK, Ch. 2 in Detroit. Taped in late 1981.
This is a series of local clips that was aired on WJBK Channel 2 in Detroit on Saturday, April 6, 1985. These clips were originally aired during a broadcast of the ...
Stereo: 24 hours a day only on channel 4! Ironically, this aired the day after Amy Grant: Headin' Home for the Holidays aired on the same network (NBC).
Here are a couple of "4 All Night" movie bumpers seen on WDIV Channel Four Detroit in the early morning hours of July 19, 1987. I'm pretty sure the voiceover in ...
Here is a real short movie bumper, picked up off my rooftop antenna, from WJBK, Ch. 2 in Detroit. Taped in late 1981.
This is a series of local clips that was aired on WJBK Channel 2 in Detroit on Saturday, April 6, 1985. These clips were originally aired during a broadcast of the ...
Stereo: 24 hours a day only on channel 4! Ironically, this aired the day after Amy Grant: Headin' Home for the Holidays aired on the same network (NBC).
Here are a couple of "4 All Night" movie bumpers seen on WDIV Channel Four Detroit in the early morning hours of July 19, 1987. I'm pretty sure the voiceover in ...