Germany faces 'big challenges' as it celebrates 25 years of reunification

  • 9 years ago
German Chancellor Angela Merkel says her country is facing “big challenges,” as it marks 25 years of reunification.

Speaking on the sidelines of official celebrations in Frankfurt, she renewed here call for European and global unity to deal with the recent influx of migrants.

More than 200-thousand people arrived in Germany last month alone.

“Today, 25 years on, we’re facing big challenges. The refugee issue keeps us particularly busy these days,” said Merkel.

“Germany cannot solve this problem on its own, only together, in Europe, and through a fair distribution of tasks. Also worldwide.”

After an ecumenical church service at Frankfurt cathedral to mark the reunification anniversary, an official ceremonial event took place at the Alte Oper Frankfurt, attended by 1,500 guests.

Merkel, Bundestag President Norbert Lammert and several federal ministers were among them.

Celebrations were also due to take place in front of the parliament building in Berlin.

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