• 10 years ago
Beard Muslim Caught Red Handed Doing Fraud In Sharjah. Police caught Allama with bottles of Liquor. this type of person only vilification the name of Islam in whole world. they only do that for some money and show the world the Muslims are like that, but at the end the result of these activities are so horrible. Allah punished them very strictly. some people have a beard on their faces but even they do not understand the simple rules of Islam they only take the get up of Islam and doing wrong things in this bad activities they vilification the name of Holly Islam. Islam is a really nice religious and there are nothing like Islam in whole world. Islam is the name of peace and love not violence and war. but some people try to vilification of Islam front of the world. Islam is best religion. No doubt today liberal Mullahs have exploited Islam a bit. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. This story is about Muslims and Jewish who pray below the same roof. As a Muslims our prophet Muhammad SAW instructed us to live happily with Jewish, Hindu and Christians. However our beloved Muhammad SAW said be friends with non-Muslims and has them impress with your religion. Once they are impressed they will ask you to embrace Islam. Once they made their mind about Islam then guide them and tell them about Islam.
Beard Muslim Caught Red Handed Doing Fraud In Sharjah. Police caught Allama with bottles of Liquor. this type of person only vilification the name of Islam in whole world. they only do that for some money and show the world the Muslims are like that, but at the end the result of these activities are so horrible. Allah punished them very strictly. some people have a beard on their faces but even they do not understand the simple rules of Islam they only take the get up of Islam and doing wrong things in this bad activities they vilification the name of Holly Islam. Islam is a really nice religious and there are nothing like Islam in whole world. Islam is the name of peace and love not violence and war. but some people try to vilification of Islam front of the world. Islam is best religion. No doubt today liberal Mullahs have exploited Islam a bit. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. This story is about Muslims and Jewish who pray below the same roof. As a Muslims our prophet Muhammad SAW instructed us to live happily with Jewish, Hindu and Christians. However our beloved Muhammad SAW said be friends with non-Muslims and has them impress with your religion. Once they are impressed they will ask you to embrace Islam. Once they made their mind about Islam then guide them and tell them about Islam. Beard Muslim Caught Red Handed Doing Fraud In Sharjah. Police caught Allama with bottles of Liquor. this type of person only vilification the name of Islam in whole world. they only do that for some money and show the world the Muslims are like that, but at the end the result of these activities are so horrible. Allah punished them very strictly. some people have a beard on their faces but even they do not understand the simple rules of Islam they only take the get up of Islam and doing wrong things in this bad activities they vilification the name of Holly Islam. Islam is a really nice religious and there are nothing like Islam in whole world. Islam is the name of peace and love not violence and war. but some people try to vilification of Islam front of the world. Islam is best religion. No doubt today liberal Mullahs have exploited Islam a bit. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. But today, Mullah tells us to boycott all the products of Jewish, Hindu and Christians. This story is about Muslims and Jewish who pray below the same roof. As a Muslims our prophet Muhammad SAW instructed us to live happily with Jewish, Hindu and Christians. However our beloved Muhammad SAW said be friends with non-Muslims and has them impress with your religion. Once they are impressed they will ask you to embrace Islam. Once they made their mind about Islam then guide them and tell them about Islam.
