• 9 yıl önce
Doughnuts - Stop motion animation
Doughnuts - Stop motion animation [Full Episode]

ANIMATION; Funny stop motion animation about doughnuts. I made this animation 5 years ago.A special Valentine treat to all Foster the People fans all over the world, a stop motion animation with donuts -. This is a video combining two of our most beloved ...

Hey,guys! I'm Kaitlin and today, I made a Doughnut Stop-motion Animation I took a while but it was worth it ;D ! I hope you all enjoy it!

via Made with James L also can we get 8 likes this time.

What would you do for the last box of donuts during an zombie apocalypse? my first real animation.Hope you enjoy!

ANIMATION; Funny stop motion animation about doughnuts. I made this animation 5 years ago.
