Leukemia patient leads squatting challenge

  • 9 years ago
An inspiring video has emerged of a leukaemia patient leading a squatting challenge at a hospital in California, US.

The footage, captured on Saturday, shows Elizabeth Bobbe - a 29 year old AML sufferer - conducting the exercise despite her heavy chemotherapy treatment.

In the video, Elizabeth leads the squatting exercises with nurses at the oncology ward of the Loma Linda Medical Center.

Writing online about her courageous sister, filmer Teresa Bobbe said: "She has inspired many people in her hometown of Temecula, CA in loosing weight and fitness health.

"The doctors and nurses were beyond shocked and inspired by her strong will to kick cancer to the curb!"

Elizabeth has a GoFundMe page, where she is fundraising to cover the cost of her treatment.
Link: https://www.gofundme.com/wg4cggpq
