Hazrat Mahdi (pbuh) will have published works

  • 9 yıl önce
Adnan Oktar: "They will have swords on which one thousand words are written." See now, note this. "Each word is a clue for one thousand words." What is that sword, the one on which words are written? What are those swords?  Books: Their swords will be books. The accounts state that there will be thousands of words written on them. (That means) The students of the Mahdi (pbuh) will have books in their hands. "They will have swords on which one thousand words are written." "Then God will send the wind from every valley to say: "This is Mahdi. He rules like Prophet Dawood (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon) (a.s.). He does not ask for evidence.” That means he will rule with his conscientious opinion. "Then God will send the wind from every valley to say:" That means they will have information coming to them from everywhere. Our Prophet (saas) says it like that for people to keep in their minds.  "…the wind from eve