New iPhone 6s to hit stores today in test for Apple

  • 9 years ago
The new iPhone 6s and 6s Plus arrive in stores and at consumers' doorsteps on Friday, kicking off a sales cycle that will be scrutinized for signs of how much juice Apple's marquee product has left. Apple has a tough act to follow after the success of the iPhone 6, but sales are expected to benefit this year from the inclusion of the Chinese market, where the gadget's debut was delayed in 2014 due to regulatory issues. Apple executives have said just a fraction of their customers have upgraded to the iPhone 6, suggesting they have plenty of room to grow this year. And lackluster offerings this year from rival smartphone manufacturer Samsung will help Apple's stand out in the marketplace, analyst Patrick Moorhead of Moor Insights & Strategy wrote in an email. "Over the long haul, the 6s will eclipse the 6 as Apple is even more competitive versus Samsung in emerging regions and is gaining share in traditional regions," Moorhead wrote in an email.