Called EMPIRE in its first season on NBC, and REDIGO in its short second season on ABC. Starred Richard Egan.James Franciscus starred along with Burgess Meredith and Steve Franken in this weekly schoolroom drama series.
Called EMPIRE in its first season on NBC, and REDIGO in its short second season on ABC. Starred Richard Egan.
Poor James Whitmore. He never was able to have a big hit TV series (LAW AND MR. JONES, TEMPERATURE'S RISING and this one, MY FRIEND TONY).
Short-lived and rare NBC series.Lots of stars. 1979.
Not to be confused with the 2015 series nor the early 60s drama (aka REDIGO) of the same name. This show with a very large cast failed to find an audience.
Called EMPIRE in its first season on NBC, and REDIGO in its short second season on ABC. Starred Richard Egan.
Poor James Whitmore. He never was able to have a big hit TV series (LAW AND MR. JONES, TEMPERATURE'S RISING and this one, MY FRIEND TONY).
Short-lived and rare NBC series.Lots of stars. 1979.
Not to be confused with the 2015 series nor the early 60s drama (aka REDIGO) of the same name. This show with a very large cast failed to find an audience.