Woman With Biggest Natural BOOBS In The World – Norma Stitz By Sarah | Featured, News | 17 February 2014 | 0 Comments A woman from Virginia talked .
Norma Stitz holds the Guinness World Record for largest natural bazookas at size triple zzz. STORY LINK: .
Norma Stitz holds the Guinness Book of Records title of the Worlds Biggest Lady Lumps. Her chest size is 102 ZZZ. Norma Stitz says she loves them and doesnt .
In early 2009, Sheyla Hershey of Brazil was awarded the Guinness World Record for having the largest set of breasts. After nine surgeries and more than a .
Norma Stitz holds the Guinness World Record for largest natural bazookas at size triple zzz. STORY LINK: .
Norma Stitz holds the Guinness Book of Records title of the Worlds Biggest Lady Lumps. Her chest size is 102 ZZZ. Norma Stitz says she loves them and doesnt .
In early 2009, Sheyla Hershey of Brazil was awarded the Guinness World Record for having the largest set of breasts. After nine surgeries and more than a .
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