Story of Two Brothers 3

  • 9 years ago
Just as Jalal Taalib and Tayyaba are about to start their happy life, grave news enters the fold once again. A returning soldier from Cheestaan outpost informs Jalal that his younger brother Jamal Saakib has been beheaded by his former lover Cheestaan's princess Mahapara. Jalal is enraged and sets out to take revenge. When Jalal reaches Cheestaan fort and sees Jamal's head on a spile, he is overcome with sorrow. Upon confrontation, Jalal insults Mahapara and demands that she bring Jamal back to life. In return, Mahapara demands that Jalal rescue her father King Baazik from magician Gaaradgar's prison (which is a 20-year journey). Jalal later discovers that royal vizier Sarbaakh and court magician Hattat are the true culprits and the heads/bodies of Mahapara's victims are mere mannequins. He confronts Mahapara again and she laments the story of her wedding day--when Sarbaakh and Hattat revealed their true selves, imprisoned the royal family, and beheaded Jamal. She reveals that the culprits' souls are locked inside her necklace so she is safe from harm but the king is only safe till the culprits obtain the secret to brewing the Elixir of Life potion from him. Jalal takes a Feather of Invisibility and flying boots from Mahapara and leaves before nightfall. While fying over Gurjistaan, Jalal is swallowed by Gaaradgar's giant genie but escapes using the Sword of Solomon to rip him from the inside. Jalal then finishes the first 10-year journey in 10 days (thanks to the flying shoes).
After a powerful genie is freed from Gaaradgar's spell by Jalal, he thanks him by helping cover the next 2 years' journey in 2 days. From there, Jalal requests talking mountains to give him passage towards the enchanted palace of seven poisonous female serpents. Once there, Jalal uses his masculine charm to melt their hearts and obtain an enchanted wooden horse. Jalal flies on the horse for 8 days (covering his remaining 8-year journey) but in the end loses the Sword of Solomon as it slips down accidentally. Back in Cheestaan, Sarbaakh tortures Mahapara and plans to marry her forcefully at a future date. When Jalal reaches Gaaradgar's lair (a hovering palace amidst the sea), he is chained alongwith King Baazik. Jalal prays to Allah and frees himself and King Baazik. A massive fight ensues between the two heroes and Gaaradgar's henchmen during which the magician loses his black gloves (source of his sorcery). As the lair starts exploding, King Baazik prepares one last solution of the potion and runs away with Jalal. Angelic genies present themselves, return Jalal's sword to him, and help the two return to their land. Upon return in Cheestaan, King Baazik stabs Sarbaakh and burns Hattat to their deaths. Jalal and Tayyaba help Jamal and Mahapara get married and both brothers finally have passionate sex on their wedding nights. Goodness prevails!