Because Hazrat Khidr (ra) possesses the secret of aether material, he can change into any shape

  • 9 yıl önce
ADNAN OKTAR: 'We love Hazrat Khidr (ra), but at the same time he makes us frightened. He is an extraordinary entity,' a viewer says. Yes, he is. God has given Hazrat Khidr (ra) many powers. First of all, he is empowered to kill. I mean, with the inspiration he receives, he kills. And those murders remain unsolved. Hazrat Khidr (ra) has committed countless unsolved killings and it is impossible for the police to catch him. Hazrat Khidr (ra) leaves no evidence behind when he kills. I mean, you would never find him even if you tried for seventy years.  He may tear a whole building down, from the roots. He changes shape.  He enters a room in one form and goes out in another. One may say, 'A handsome young man came in a minute ago,' but then he goes out as an old man. It is impossible to catch him or identify him. You cannot arrest him. There is no question of that. He enters through one place and goes out through another. He will baffle anyone who tries to catch