Ramat Gan Safari

  • 9 years ago
Ramat Gan Safari
Michael itskovich
From Tiberias from Israel

Ramat Gan, Safari, Zoological Center, Tel Aviv, Israel, collection, Middle East, site, African , zoo, birds, reptiles, visitors, tourists, animals , gardens, park , hippos, lions, Asian elephants, gorillas, orangutans, Qalqilya Zoo, the Palestinian Authority, children's, , Avraham Krinitzi, Yisrael Peled, Zoological , Tanzania, African elephant, White rhinoceros, Grant's zebras, Thomson's gazelle, Waterbuck, eland, ostriches, Masai giraffe, Grant's gazelle, East African oryx, dik-diks, Grant's zebras, De Brazza's monkeys, African park, opened, public , modern , Hanover Zoo, European zoo , Griffon vulture, White-tailed eagle, Elephants, Asian, Yossi, Rhinos, Shalom, , Gorillas,Animal welfare, Behavioral enrichment, chimpanzees, natural, classes, programs, school groups, summer camps, study, Israel Wildlife Hospital, Nature and Parks Authority, clinic , Western lowland gorilla, Sand cat, Blue wildebeest, Plains zebra, Eurasian stone-curlew, Glossy ibis, Shoebill, Marabou stork, Grey crowned crane, Greater flamingo, Thomson's gazelle, Common eland, Waterbuck, Arabian oryx, Scimitar oryx, Great white pelican, Masai giraffe, Addax, Nyala, Monkey, Carnivora, Guineafowl, Chicken, Emu, Laughing kookaburra, Cockatiel, Southern cassowary, Red kangaroo, Eastern grey kangaroo, White cockatoo, Lyle's flying fox, Sumatran orangutan, Hamadryas baboon, Lar gibbon, Cotton-top tamarin, Emperor tamarin, Ring-tailed lemur, Red ruffed lemur, Black-and-white ruffed lemur, Mandrill, Lion-tailed macaque, Celebes crested macaque, Siamang, Mantled guereza, Wedge-capped capuchin, Common chimpanzee, Linnaeus's two-toed sloth, Iguanidae, Honey badger, Asian black bear, Syrian brown bear, South American coati, Jungle cat, Persian leopard. Fennec fox, Rock hyrax, Gray wolf, African wild dog, Striped hyena, Giant anteater, South American tapir, Mara (mammal), Greater rhea, Capybara, Greylag goose, African grey parrot, Scarlet macaw, Hyacinth macaw, Blue-and-yellow macaw, Common kestrel, Eurasian hobby, Saker falcon, Mute swan, Black swan, Wood duck, Mallard, Black kite, Short-toed snake eagle, White stork, Red-crested turaco, Ross's turaco, Crowned pigeon, Long-eared owl, Little owl, Roseate spoonbill, Hume's owl, Northern bald ibis, Scarlet ibis, Mandarin duck, Northern shoveler, Lappet-faced vulture, White-tailed eagle, Buteo, African penguin, Golden pheasant, Caracara (genus), Great hornbill, Egyptian vulture, Eurasian scops owl, Eurasian teal, Barn owl, Alpaca, Chital, European rabbit, Bactrian camel, Ferret, Donkey, Sheep, Pony, Goat, Guinea pig, Dik-dik, Reticulated giraffe, American alligator, Green iguana, Yellow anaconda, Blue-tongued skink, Nile monitor, Burmese python, Python molurus, Boa constrictor, Nile crocodile, Aldabra giant tortoise, African spurred
