• 10 yıl önce
Huge 30 Surprise Eggs Opening Frozen Spiderman Peppa Pig Disney Minnie Angry Birds

HUGE Collection of 30 Surprise Eggs!
With Disney Princess, Peppa Pig, Jake and the Neverland, SpiderMan & My Little Pony!

SUBSCRIBE to Baby Cheek Cheek for more SURPRISES & LESSONS!


BABY CHEEK CHEEK is a channel about Lessons for Children, Learn-A-Word, Play-Doh, Kinder Eggs & Surprise Eggs, a lot of new toys discovery and more!
On BABY CHEEK CHEEK we will help young kids to : learn colors with candies, learn new words, learn numbers & the alphabet with songs, phonics voices!

SUBSCRIBE for LESSONS & SURPRISES! https://www.youtube.com/user/babyvideogamesTV?sub_confirmation=1

Learn how to say "surprise eggs" in other languages : French: œuf surprise. German: Überraschung. Spanish: huevo sorpresa. Hungarian: tojás meglepetés. Italian: uovo sorpresa. Ukrainian: яйце сюрприз. Japanese: 卵の驚き. Korean: 계란 깜짝. Russian: яйцо сюрприз. In Lithuanian: kiaušinių siurprizas. Portuguese: ovo surpresa. Swedish: ägg överraskning.

Video & Music created, produced by Baby Cheek Cheek.

{tags}Today I'm opening 24 Surprise eggs from different cartoon Movie Characters including Playdoh Surprise egg such as a Giant Easter Egg Jake and the ...

Play doh surprise eggs - minions play doh surprise eggs toys huevos sorpresa juguetes. Giant fan mail play doh surprise egg opening #2 dctc disney cars toy ...

Hi it's My Lovely baby! ❤ Today we will be discovers a New Huge collection of 30 Surprise Eggs with toys, candy and fun! We will be opening surprise eggs with ...

Hey guys, today Im opening several Easter Surprise Eggs as well as Kinder Surprise from different Movies Cartoon characters such as Disney Frozen Olaf the ...

HUGE Collection of 30 Surprise Eggs! With Disney Princess, Peppa Pig, Jake and the Neverland, SpiderMan & My Little Pony! SUBSCRIBE to Baby Cheek ...


