1,400 years ago, our Prophet (saas) foretold the name of Assad

  • 9 yıl önce
115- Ghaibat Nomani: It is narrated from Muhammad bin Hamam from Fazari from Ibne Abil Khattab from Husain bin Ali from Salih bin Sahl that he said that Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (a.s.) had said when talking about the verse: “One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall...” (Surah Maarij 70:1)

“It is a fire that will flame in Thawiyya and then it will move to the tribe of Assad and then to the tribe of Thaqif. THIS WILL BE BEFORE THE APPEARANCE OF THE QAIM -MAHDI (PBUH).”

ADNAN OKTAR: Salih bin Sahl related from Abu Abdullah Imam Sadiq (as). A verse from the Qur'an. Surah Maarji, Verse 1, I seek refuge with Allah from the satan. "One demanding, demanded the chastisement which must befall…"

He said, "It is a fire that will flame in Thawiyya and then it will move to the tribe of Assad…"  Look there is an explicit reference to Assad. The tribe of Assad. Isn't it clear? The tribe of Assad. Clearly


