• 10 years ago
"We are here to stand up for Anwar. There is nothing to expose," said Sureshkumar, who is also Anwar's special assistant in charge of Indian affairs.

Speaking to reporters later, Suresh said he and his group came to protect Anwar from any false allegations.

"We don't know what he was going to expose but we know it's something bad. But he's the culprit. I know very well what he did to Saiful, I met his father also."

"Suddenly he comes out, definitely he got something from the government. So there's no story, there's nothing. Now the case is in court, why now? Who is Rahimi, why suddenly come out?" he asked.

Full story: Another ex-aide turns on Anwar?

Editing: Indrani Kopal
Camera: Mohd Kamal Ishak


