Cost of English breakfast 'lowest for five years'

  • 9 years ago
The low price of commodities does have some advantages, at least for consumers: the cost of an English breakfast is down to its lowest level in five years.

At least that’s the theory, but before you tuck in merrily bear in mind that – as one analyst says – the prices of raw ingredients are not always immediately reflected in retail prices.

The Financial Times’ breakfast index – backed by UN estimates – shows that an equal weighted average of six commodities was at levels not seen since 2010.

Five-year low for cost of breakfast commodities: wheat, coffee, hogs, OJ, milk and sugar. No eggs?— Ed Crooks (@Ed_Crooks) September 10, 2015

Milk prices have fallen by 33 percent over the past year; coffee by 28 percent, while Americans are drinking less orange juice. Good crops in Brazil and the US have pushed the price of frozen orange juice down by 10 percent.

Good weather and financial support for sugar producers have pushed prices down by 22 percent.



