• il y a 10 ans
Renowned street artist and celebrity since becoming the protagonist of Banksy's 2010 documentary Exit Through the Gift Shop, Brainwash lives in Los Angeles where he rubs shoulders with the likes of Madonna, Rick Ross, Jimmy Fallon and Rita Ora.

But Brainwash is first and foremost Thierry Guetta from Garges-lès-Gonesses, a suburb on the outskirts of Paris. During his most recent stay in France, Clique accompanied Brainwash on a trip back to the housing project where the artist spent the first 15 years of his life.

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Street artist reconnu, figure célèbre depuis qu'il est devenu le personnage principal du documentaire Faites Le Mur ! de Banksy en 2010, Brainwash vit à Los Angeles. Il y côtoie Madonna, Rick Ross, Jimmy Fallon, Rita Ora...

Mais Brainwwash, c'est d'abord Thierry Guetta. Lors de son dernier passage en France, Clique est retourné avec lui à Garges-lès-Gonesse, petite commune du nord de Paris, où il a vécu jusqu'à ses 15 ans.

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