• 10 years ago
Bars of Hate (1935)
Approved | 57 min | Crime, Drama, Romance | 1 November 1935 (USA)

Ted Clark rescues pickpoket Danny from a mob, and restores Danny's loot, a pocketbook, to its owner Ann Dawson. She is carrying a letter that proves her brother, who is on death row, is innocent and Jim Grant is the guilty party. Ted and Danny help her escape from Grant's henchmen. They have several narrow escapes while on their way to give the proof to the Governor.

Director: Albert Herman

Writers: Peter B. Kyne (story), Al Martin (screenplay)

Stars: Regis Toomey, Sheila Terry, Molly O'Day
00:50Please, help!
00:52He's got it!
00:53Which way did he go?
00:54Through that alley, around the corner.
00:56Somebody grab him!
00:58Stop that man!
01:59Hey, what's the hurry?
02:01A cop's after me.
02:02Oh, yeah?
02:15Well, what's your alibi?
02:16I haven't one really, officer.
02:18I was just trying to see if I could give you the slip.
02:22You did?
02:23Well, I'm going to give you a slip.
02:25What's your name?
02:26Kevin Clark.
02:28What's your driver's license?
02:33I'm sorry, officer. I left it in my office.
02:37Well, ain't that too bad.
02:38I suppose you'd like me to go get it for you.
02:42That certainly would be nice of you, officer.
02:44It isn't very far.
02:46You'll find a city hall close by.
02:55I suppose you were on business.
02:57Yes, I was.
03:01I'll be seeing you.
03:11Hey, wait a minute.
03:12Thanks for the lift.
03:14What do those fellas want with you?
03:15Oh, a lady's pocketbook.
03:18I don't understand.
03:19Well, they thought I was a person, that's all.
03:22Oh, you look like an honest man to me.
03:24I am.
03:25And that's what hurts.
03:27Don't let it get you down, old man.
03:29You're not the first one to...
03:37Now, how do you suppose that girl to my coat?
03:39I should turn you over to the police.
03:42Let's see who it belongs to.
03:45Hey, you can't do that.
03:46I'm the guy that swiped it.
03:48Now, wait a minute.
03:52Ann Dawson.
03:53She sure has a swell pair of lungs.
03:56Say, this is a lucky break for me.
03:58I've been trying to meet this Dawson girl for three months.
04:01Hey, where are you going?
04:03I'm going to return this purse and get acquainted.
04:05Hey, that's a good idea.
04:07Return this purse and get acquainted.
04:09Hey, not so fast.
04:10How do I know that you're on the level?
04:12You better come along and find out.
04:13You bet I will.
04:38There she is now, getting in that car.
04:47How could you take a pocketbook from a nice-looking girl like that?
04:51It wasn't the girl I was after.
04:53It was the pocketbook.
05:07Say, let's see what this is all about.
05:37Oh, my God.
06:08We want that letter.
06:09What letter?
06:11Come on, don't lie to me.
06:12You took it out of my safe.
06:13I tell you, I don't know where it is.
06:14Oh, so you did take it, eh?
06:16Where is it?
06:19It was in my pocketbook.
06:21Somebody stole it.
06:22Don't give me that.
06:24Come on, tell her to the boss.
06:31I'm sorry.
06:32I'm sorry.
06:33I'm sorry.
06:34I'm sorry.
06:35I'm sorry.
06:36I'm sorry.
06:47Get out of that car.
06:48You're looking for a good punch in the nose, eh?
07:06Oh, my God.
07:46Get that car started.
07:52Come on, get going.
08:00Don't you guys let her get away.
08:01I'll report to the boss.
08:02I'll use that roadster.
08:07Oh, fine.
08:08A lot of men I have letting them get away with that letter.
08:10Well, we tried.
08:11Oh, that letter's enough to send us all to the hospital.
08:13If that Dawson girl ever gets that letter to the governor,
08:15her brother will go free, and we'll all go up.
08:17Yeah, I know, but...
08:18Why didn't you burn it the way I told you?
08:20Because the mouthpiece told me to lock it up a nice day.
08:22Smart guy he turned out to be.
08:24I'll tell you this.
08:25We've got to get there, and I don't care how.
08:37Well, now what?
08:41I don't know what to do.
08:43I don't even know where to go.
08:45Come with us.
08:47Yeah, yeah, sure.
08:48We'd love to have you.
08:50Hey, where do we live?
08:52Right in there.
08:54Gee, that's fine.
08:56Let's go in.
08:58I like our place.
08:59That's fine.
09:00I'm glad you do.
09:01Will you sit down?
09:06Hello, Mr. Elizalde.
09:08Mr. Elizabeth?
09:09Mr. Elizalde.
09:10Hello, Mr. Elizalde.
09:11Oh, Mr. Elizabeth.
09:12How are you?
09:14What's the matter?
09:15Uh, I was just thinking.
09:17I think the guy in the car looks so fine.
09:20I'm glad you think so.
09:21Hi, Mr. Elizalde.
09:22I'm Melinda.
09:24Mr. Elizabeth?
09:25That's Melinda.
09:26I'm here with my folks. They're away on a little trip.
09:29Any smoke?
09:34Now then, would you mind telling me what this is all about?
09:37With an initial of eight on it.
09:44Is this it?
09:46Why, yes. Where'd you find it?
09:48I'm the one that stole it, lady.
09:50But I don't get the connection between your pocketbook and the three men that stole it.
09:55You know me?
09:56Why, he's been trying to meet you for three months.
10:02Well, you see, I've seen you so many times that I thought I...
10:07Look, where have you seen me?
10:09Court. During your brother's trial.
10:12You have my deepest sympathy, Miss Dawson. I still think he's innocent.
10:17He is. But he didn't kill that girl.
10:20I've got the letter right here that'll prove Jim Brandt did it.
10:24How in the world have you ever managed to get this?
10:27Well, I've got it, and that's amazing.
10:29Well, I'm awfully glad. For your sake and your brother's.
10:34Forty-eight hours more and it would have been too late.
10:38Will you go to the district attorney's office with me?
10:40Say, he works there.
10:42The district attorney's office?
10:44Yes, sir.
10:45Well, I'd like to talk to him.
10:47I'm afraid I can't.
10:49Will you go to the district attorney's office with me?
10:51Say, he works there.
10:53The district attorney's out of town.
10:55We'll have to get in touch with the governor.
10:57Do you know where to reach him?
10:59Chances are he's in the capital. I'll phone him.
11:01Please do. And I want you to know how much I appreciate your help.
11:04All right.
11:11I must get in touch with the governor right away.
11:14Yes, please. Hurry. I'll wait.
11:17I thought you kept your eyes on which way they went.
11:19They're around here someplace.
11:21That's a lot of help.
11:26What's that?
11:36That's her car, all right. Let's go in.
11:38Nothing doing. We can't take a chance of failing.
11:40You stay here and see that she don't get away.
11:42I'll phone Grant.
11:46All right.
12:00Hello, Grant. Glenn talking.
12:02Better send Gilroy and Joe right over.
12:04Operator, have you got that connection with the capital yet?
12:16Hold this a minute.
12:22Now, listen.
12:24If you're going to stick with me, you've got to stop that sort of thing.
12:27I told you I was going straight, didn't I?
12:29That's the way it looks like it.
12:31Here's your watch.
12:36Just a minute, please.
12:41Governor's office.
12:45He's gone away over the weekend.
12:47Well, I've got to reach him.
12:49This is official business. It's very important.
12:52Listen, could you tell me where I can find him?
12:56Oh. Well, thank you very much.
12:59Tell me, where is he?
13:01He's at Idlewild. It's a hunting lodge about six hours from here by train.
13:04But how will we get...
13:05Now, don't worry. There's a train leaves here this afternoon we can take.
13:14Where is she?
13:16Well, that's her car there, and she must be in the house.
13:18She can't get away from here.
13:19All right. You fellas take the side, and we'll take the back.
13:21All right.
13:22Of course, you know how much this means to me.
13:26In a few hours, your brother will be a free man.
13:33Yes, Miss Dawson, in a few hours, your brother will be a free man.
13:36Oh, yes, I know. I feel so happy inside I could scream.
13:39Well, don't do it here. You'll wake up the whole neighborhood.
13:41Say, we'd better be on our way.
13:48Look, come in.
13:52Phone the police.
13:53Who, me?
13:54I'll do it.
14:01Operator. Operator.
14:05The phone's dead.
14:10Give it to me.
14:11Hello? Hello, Operator?
14:16The wire's been cut.
14:17What in the world are we going to do now?
14:19I don't know what we're going to do, but we've got to get out of here.
14:21Those men were chasing you.
14:23If they saw you leaving the house, they'd follow you, wouldn't they?
14:27I've got it. Change clothes with me, and I'll give them the wildest chase they ever had.
14:31You two will have a chance to get on the train.
14:33Let's try it.
14:34I always wanted to wear girls' clothes.
14:36Not here. You get behind that screen.
14:44You can use this room.
14:47And I'll be sort of the middleman.
14:52Here's my coat.
14:58Here's a starter.
15:02Here's your dress.
15:05I hope this thing is becoming to me.
15:07It better be.
15:12Your trousers.
15:31Well, here I am. How do I look?
15:36You look awful.
15:38We've got to get through with this.
15:40Now look, you can use Miss Dawson's car.
15:42When you get going, we'll get a cab.
15:44Thanks a lot.
15:46Don't mention it. Well, I'll be seeing you.
15:50Are you sure you've got the letter?
17:20Well, so far so good. Now for the railroad station.
17:23Oh, but I can't go in these clothes.
17:24We'll pick up something on the way down. Come on, let's hurry.
17:32Come on.
17:45Gee, I might have killed that thing.
17:47It wouldn't have been too bad.
17:50All right, sister.
17:52Cut out that crying and give me the letter.
17:54Why, you...
18:02Come on.
18:10It's the smart guy. Where'd that Dawson girl go?
18:14Why, you...
18:17It's only a sample of what you're going to get.
18:20Put him in the car.
18:21Come on.
18:27Well, where'd she go?
18:28I don't know.
18:29You're going to try to see the governor?
18:30Answer me, is she?
18:31Why don't you ask her yourself?
18:33Why, you...
18:35I tell you, it ain't no use for us.
18:37We're just wasting our time.
18:39Say, suppose she gets to the governor?
18:41Not a chance.
19:01Put him up.
19:02Give me that letter. I have you covered.
19:06Come on, come on.
19:20Now what?
19:21How do I know?
19:23What time is it?
19:32I distinctly remember her putting that in one of my pockets.
19:41Maybe it was lost.
19:44Not a chance.
19:45Say, I know something about that thick pocket business myself.
19:49I thought you used to go in for a safe crack.
19:52Can't a guy know more than one team?
19:55I'm versatile.
19:57I'll take that.
20:02Hello, boss.
20:03Ben talking.
20:04She got away.
20:05One of those guys went with her.
20:07They're on their way to Idlewild.
20:09Yes, I tried to stop them.
20:10Fouled into the train.
20:11There were a couple of them there, so I had a chain of mine.
20:16Yes, meet me at the airport.
20:17We'll be right down.
20:20Now listen, you guys, and get this straight.
20:22We've got a job to do, and if we fail, it may be our last.
20:25And if I go to the hot seat, I'll have plenty of company.
20:28Now let's get out of here.
20:29What about this month?
20:30That's your job.
20:31If he gives you any trouble, show him the country.
20:33Bill, take care of the front.
20:35Gilroy, come with me.
20:43What are you grinning about?
20:45Well, I was just thinking what a nice thing it would be if you and I were friends.
20:51Gee, that's a swell idea.
20:54My name's Monty here.
20:56My name's Danny.
20:58Shut up!
20:59What do you pick me for, a dumbbell?
21:01What's that come out of your face?
21:23I wouldn't worry about you, Miss Dawson.
21:25We'll find the governor.
21:26I'm sure we will.
21:27I don't even know your name.
21:29It's Kevin Clark.
21:31At this present, I think I'll take Ted.
21:36The plane is ready to take off.
21:37I thought we were going to Idlewild.
21:38Good idea, boys.
21:56Let's go.
22:20Two basis.
22:21Two basis.
22:23You're sure getting on my nerves.
22:26But you can't do that to me.
22:27Not to a brother safecracker.
22:30Are you a safecracker?
22:32One of the very best.
22:35That's what you think.
22:37What's the largest safe you ever cracked?
22:40Oh, let's see, the largest safe...
22:43Well, about...
22:46Oh, it's just a little bank.
22:47About that big.
22:49Are you sure it wasn't a dime bank?
22:50No, no, no, no.
22:51Don't get excited.
22:52I'll show you where there's a safe
22:54that's as easy to open as an oyster.
22:57I don't suppose you're kidding me along
22:59just to get out and warn your friends, are you?
23:03Why, I should say not.
23:05Oh, shut up.
23:06Just a lot of nonsense.
23:08I want to read that paper.
23:53Come on.
23:54Get up, you...
23:55Don't shoot.
23:56Don't shoot.
23:57I've got a thousand dollars in cash I'll give you.
24:01I've been robbed.
24:02That's funny.
24:03Take off them clothes.
24:05I thought you said we were friends.
24:06Ah, shut up.
24:07Take them off.
24:08Oh, shoot, shoot.
24:09Hurry up.
24:10Sure, I'll get them off.
24:11Go on, hurry up.
24:13Come on.
24:22It looks like we're passing on that train now.
24:35Hey, get me to the airport, quick.
24:52Now, weren't you glad your handbag was nice?
24:55I certainly am.
24:58You know, I was just thinking about Danny.
25:00He's a rather nice person, isn't he?
25:03He's a peculiar combination.
25:05A crook and a regular fellow.
25:07But from now on, he's going straight.
25:22Hey, are you the fellow that runs this?
25:25Well, I want to catch the train to Idlewild.
25:29That ought to be easy.
25:30She stops up at Saugus and we...
25:32No, but that won't do.
25:33I've got to get on that train before she stops.
25:37You mean you want me to drop you on that train?
25:43Uh, what are you?
25:44Some kind of a daredevil?
25:45Well, I will be after I get through with this one.
25:48Uh, if you're that crazy, get in.
25:52Lucky thing for you, I've got a rope ladder in this place.
25:57Here, little one.
26:48Well, this is it.
27:18Oh, my God.
27:49Uh, do you boys know what to do?
27:52Meet me at the Idlewild hunting lodge.
27:54Right, boss.
28:01Should we take off right away?
28:03Sorry, sir.
28:04I have motor trouble.
28:05Have a fix in the jetty.
28:07How long before we get there?
28:10We should be in Saugus in ten minutes.
28:36Okay, boys.
28:37Let's go.
29:06Oh, my God.
29:36Oh, my God.
30:06Oh, my God.
30:37Oh, my God.
30:39Oh, my God.
30:40Oh, my God.
30:41Oh, my God.
30:42Oh, my God.
30:43Oh, my God.
30:44Oh, my God.
30:45Oh, my God.
30:46Oh, my God.
30:47Oh, my God.
30:48Oh, my God.
30:49Oh, my God.
30:50Oh, my God.
30:51Oh, my God.
30:52Oh, my God.
30:53Oh, my God.
30:54Oh, my God.
30:55Oh, my God.
30:56Oh, my God.
30:57Oh, my God.
30:58Oh, my God.
30:59Oh, my God.
31:00Oh, my God.
31:01Oh, my God.
31:02Oh, my God.
31:03Oh, my God.
31:04Oh, my God.
31:05Oh, my God.
31:06Oh, my God.
31:07Oh, my God.
31:08Oh, my God.
31:09Oh, my God.
31:10Oh, my God.
31:11Oh, my God.
31:12Oh, my God.
31:13Oh, my God.
31:14Oh, my God.
31:15Oh, my God.
31:16Oh, my God.
31:17Oh, my God.
31:18Oh, my God.
31:19Oh, my God.
31:20Oh, my God.
31:21Oh, my God.
31:22Oh, my God.
31:23Oh, my God.
31:24Oh, my God.
31:25Oh, my God.
31:26Oh, my God.
31:27Oh, my God.
31:28Oh, my God.
31:29Oh, my God.
31:30Oh, my God.
31:31Oh, my God.
31:32Oh, my God.
31:33Oh, my God.
31:34Maybe we can get a plane, and when they get on, we'll get off.
31:37It's all just a mixed up...
32:04They might be in the next car.
32:26Take us to the airport, quick.
32:31Yes, sir.
32:51Did you really see them get on this train?
32:53Well, not exactly.
32:55I saw them by the ticket.
32:57Well, chances are they're still in town.
33:04Say, how long before we take off?
33:05Oh, in a couple of minutes.
33:06Well, hurry it up, will you?
33:18Take it in now.
33:19Everything's ready.
33:47Hey, when does the next plane leave for Idlewild?
33:56Four hours.
33:57One just took off.
33:58Could you radio it back?
33:59Well, I guess I could.
34:00It's very important.
34:01I'm from the district attorney's office.
34:02I wish you would.
34:03It's official business.
34:04Well, get your tickets in the office.
34:05We're practically on board.
34:08Could I get a callback, 370?
34:11What's the matter?
34:12We've got three more passengers.
34:14Official business.
34:17Stougas calling 370.
34:21Stougas calling 370.
34:29Saugus, calling 370. Saugus, calling 370.
34:44370, calling Saugus. Come in, please.
34:47Return to airport. Pick up passengers. Return to airport. Pick up passengers.
34:53Return to airport. Pick up passengers. 370, signing off.
34:59Okay. Take her back, George.
35:16Hey, what's the matter?
35:18Nothing to worry about. We'll only be delayed for a few minutes.
35:29370, calling 370.
35:59370, calling 370.
36:22This is exciting!
36:24I've never been up in a plane before.
36:26Don't get nervous. You'll like it.
36:29370, calling 370.
36:43Lucky thing for us we got this plane.
36:45It certainly is.
36:47I'll be glad when we get this letter to the governor.
36:49You're not going to get it to the governor.
36:51Jim Grant! Don't scream. Sit down.
36:54Remember, I've got your coverage.
36:56We're going to talk this thing over quietly.
36:57What's on your mind, Grant?
36:59I'm going to take care of all of you.
37:02Now, wait a minute. Shut up!
37:04They can only give me the chair once.
37:06After Bruce Dawson gets his, I don't care what happens.
37:09But my brother's innocent.
37:11He wasn't innocent of taking my girl away from me.
37:13Oh, that's a lie and you know it.
37:15Why, she was through with you before she fell in love with Bruce.
37:17You killed that girl, Grant.
37:19I planted the gun on Bruce Dawson and we can prove it.
37:22Not without that letter.
37:25Hand it over.
37:27Give it to me or I'll plug you where you stand.
37:29Grant, you're insane.
37:31I'll give it to him.
37:33Don't you do it.
37:35Grant, you're through. Stand up.
37:46Take the controls. I'm going back.
37:52I want to turn this man over to the authorities.
37:57I want to turn him over to the authorities.
38:27Come on.
38:50Can you handle him all right?
38:54You'll find the bus right over there.
39:00Why the gun?
39:02Never mind that. Take it to the sheriff's office.
39:04I'll take it there, all right, but it won't do any good.
39:06Sheriff's out hunting.
39:09No, ducks.
39:11Well, then take it to Idlewild Lodge.
39:13We'll turn the letter over to the governor and this man at the same time.
39:15Get in front there.
39:26Come on, get out.
39:32What seems to be the trouble?
39:34This man's a murderer.
39:36I want to turn him over to the authorities.
39:38Where's the governor?
39:40But the governor isn't here.
39:42He's out hunting, down the road away.
39:44He and the sheriff are together?
39:48What time do you expect him back?
39:50Oh, they'll be back around sundown.
39:52But reporting he doesn't come back.
39:53Please don't worry.
39:55We have plenty of time.
39:57We've got Grant and the evidence.
39:59He'll be here all right.
40:01Oh, but I can't help thinking of Bruce.
40:03He's gone through so much, and if anything should happen now, I...
40:05Nothing's going to happen.
40:07Have you a place where we can lock this man up?
40:11Nice room.
40:13All right, let's have that room.
40:15Right this way.
40:16Let's go.
40:22Idlewild Lodge?
40:24You drive us to Idlewild Lodge?
40:26Sure, get in, that's where I'm going.
40:43Well, he's tied hands and foot.
40:46And he's a little tongue-tied, too.
40:48Do you have a safe here?
40:52I'd like to put this envelope in it.
40:54Why, certainly. Come right this way.
41:11Your letter.
41:16Thank you very much.
41:18It's all right, don't mention it.
41:20Say, if you ever have any trouble opening that thing, let me know.
41:47It's me, Danny!
41:49Oh, Danny, I'm so glad to see you!
41:51Oh, gee, that's swell, kid.
41:53How long have you been out, darling?
41:55Oh, about four months.
41:57Oh, gee, and how are things?
41:59Oh, they're picking up.
42:01So, you're still on the same old racket, huh?
42:04But, honey, I'm through with all that.
42:06I'm going straight.
42:08Honest to goodness, I am.
42:10If you'll only be nice to me, I'll do anything.
42:13I'll even give up safe cracking.
42:16You will?
42:20Oh, Danny, you're the sweetest thing in the whole world!
42:23And I love you.
42:25And you'll be good and keep your promise.
42:29I'll marry you.
42:47So happy!
42:50I've got the same trouble.
42:57You're doing all right, Danny.
43:00Meet my future warden.
43:02I'm going to do a life stretch.
43:23Hey, what are you doing in Idlewild?
43:26We captured Greg.
43:27He's a murderer.
43:29Got him locked upstairs.
43:31We're just waiting for the police.
43:33Gee, that's swell, Danny.
43:43See who that is, Gertie?
43:45Yes, sir.
43:47I'll be right back, Danny.
43:49Oh, boy.
43:54Can I help you?
43:55Is Mr. Grant here?
43:57Are you the police?
43:59Well, yeah.
44:01I'll show you where he is.
44:04Right this way, please.
44:06Yes, thanks.
44:21Well, I thought you guys would never get here.
44:23Well, I thought you were the police.
44:30Come on, get me out of this.
44:32Can we get to the governor?
44:34No. Our only chance now is to stop him from getting back here.
44:42You got a gun handy?
44:44Come on, Gilroy, let's get out of here.
44:53We can take the bus. They'll be coming from that direction.
45:34That's good.
45:39Well, Sheriff, what do you say we go home?
45:43Governor, if you could find voters as easily as you do ducks,
45:46you'd be certain of a re-election.
45:48Well, it's quite a difference, Sheriff.
45:50I wouldn't think of shooting a voter.
46:20What happened, Gertie?
46:22Two men came in.
46:24I thought they were police officers.
46:26And they untied General McGrant.
46:28And I heard them saying that they were going to stop the governor
46:30from getting back here.
46:32But if they do that, what about Ruth?
46:34I'll call the constable.
46:36Do you know which road the governor would take?
46:38Sure. I'll get my car.
46:40Have you got a gun?
46:42There's a couple in the safe.
46:46Here's a combination.
46:48I don't want to open your safe.
46:50Here's your letter.
46:52Hey, Danny.
46:54Listen, I'll help him with the car. You get the gun.
46:56In the safe?
46:58One, four, left, three, five, right.
47:00Come on, hurry.
47:17Oh, hurry, Danny, please.
47:18Oh, I can't do it, and I won't do it.
47:20Why not?
47:22Well, I made a promise to Gertie, and she'll never forgive me.
47:24Oh, but she'll realize why you're doing it.
47:26She'll understand.
47:28Do you really think so?
47:30Of course. Now go ahead and open it.
47:32Oh, boy.
47:34I hate to do this.
47:37Say, what does this guy think he is,
47:40handing me this combination?
47:42Does he think I'm a sissy?
47:49There it is.
47:52That's funny.
47:54Oh, Danny, why did you tear that thing up?
47:57I guess I'm out of practice.
47:59Try it again.
48:03It's taking him an awful long time.
48:06Oh, Danny.
48:27I've been watching you, Danny.
48:29Where are you going?
48:31Don't stop me now.
48:33I'll explain later.
48:35If you don't come back, you won't have to explain.
48:37I know.
48:46There we go.
48:48Hey, where are you going?
48:50With you.
49:19Maybe that's him coming.
49:27Wait till he gets a little closer.
49:49Are you the governor?
49:53Well, get out of that car.
49:55Well, what's the meaning of it?
49:57Never mind. You'll find out soon enough.
49:59Get out.
50:06I'll look at the bus and see if there's some rope.
50:08Go ahead.
50:11What do you want with me?
50:13What are you going to do?
50:15Keep you undercover for a few days.
50:16For what reason?
50:42That's one of them over there with that station wagon.
50:44Come on, Green. Let's go.
50:46Let's go.
50:52M. Dawson and three men headed this way.
50:54They saw me.
50:56You boys scatter.
50:58All right, you guys, get behind those trees.
51:00Go on.
51:17Ann, you'll have to stay in the car.
51:19Come on, let's hurry. They'll have to get away.
51:30Listen, they're around here someplace.
51:32Let's separate.
51:34Green, you go over there.
51:46Let's go.
52:17Well, they... they got him.
52:26All right, drop those guns.
52:28Drop them.
52:33I've got a nice place for you, folks.
52:35Get going.
52:40I'll be back.
52:49That's the man that killed Jean Francis.
52:51You mean Bruce Dawson is innocent?
52:53That's exactly what I mean.
52:55I wish I could believe you.
52:57Have you any proof?
52:58I have positive proof it was Grant.
53:00Where is he?
53:01At Idlewild Lodge.
53:03I hope you're right.
53:04Come with me.
53:05Let me clear it.
53:06I shall leave it once for my office.
53:08My dear, good luck.
53:09Thank you, Governor.
53:12Goodbye, sir.
53:14You know, I'm giving up my career for love.
53:18You bet you are.
53:22Well, I guess I'd better go home.
53:24What was it?
53:25Well, uh...
53:26Well, I'll tell you.
53:28You, uh...
53:30You proposed to me.
53:32And I asked your name, Ted Clark, and then he thought of you.
53:35But you only took Ted.
53:37I know, but I think I'd like to take the Clark part anytime you wish.
53:41Oh, at any time you wish?
53:42That'd have to be a little too much trouble.
