Aaron and Robert (Emmerdale) - [2nd September 2015]

  • 9 years ago
Lawrence invites Bernice for lunch as an apology for cancelling on her the previous day. Connor returns to Home Farm with bruising, claiming it was the result of a homophobic attack. Aaron has purchased a new phone and is shaken when Chas remarks that today is Katie's birthday. Lawrence cleans up Connor's wounds and offers him money to find a better place to live. Bernice arrives for their lunch date and asks Lawrence if he is gay, but before he has the chance to answer the police arrive. Bernice leaves after the police announce that Connor has accused Lawrence of assault following his refusal of Lawrence's sexual advances. Robert returns home as Lawrence becomes agitated under police questioning. At the pub, Aaron shares his experiences grieving for Jackson with Andy as a way to help him process his feelings for Katie. Finally, Robert assures an increasingly distraught Lawrence that he will help keep him out of prison.
